Cold Email · · 14 min read

The 10 Best Cold Email Templates For Improving Your Response Rate

Need to start email outreach but aren’t sure where to begin? These cold email templates will get you underway and you’ll soon see responses flooding your inbox.

cold email templates

Connecting with potential clients and building relationships is critical to success. If you're going to have a successful business, you need clients.

Cold emails are a powerful tool for reaching out to prospects and give you the chance at making a lasting impression. They are, however, somewhat challenging to craft, especially if you're not sure where to start. That’s before you’ve even started to think about email design. That's why we've created this batch of cold email templates that will deliver results.

  • The "Attention Grabber" Cold Email Template
  • The "Straight to Business" Cold Email Template
  • The "Personalized" Cold Email Template
  • The "Shared Connection" Cold Email Template
  • The “Problem Solver” Cold Email Template
  • The "Value Proposition" Cold Email Template
  • The "Warm Referral" Cold Email Template
  • The "Social Proof" Cold Email Template
  • The "Follow-up" Cold Email Template
  • The "Event Invitation" Cold Email Template

Whether you're trying to make a warm introduction, establish credibility, or extend an invitation, these templates will help you get started on the right foot until you're ready to craft your own, in your personal style. These are perfect for cold outreach but could just as easily be adapted and used as email marketing examples instead.

Our Choice Of Cold Email Templates

In the rest of this article, we share each email template one by one. You’ll first read the email template, followed by an outline and then some reasons why you should consider using it. Remember that these templates are exactly that, templates. They’re designed to prompt you to help you create your own email in your own voice.

The "Attention Grabber" Cold Email Template

I discovered your website and am impressed with your work on {{specific project or service}}. I'd like to discuss how we can help you solve {{specific problem}}.
We've worked with companies like yours before and have helped them achieve {{their goals}}. We can also assist you in achieving {{a specific goal}}.
Would you be interested in a quick call next week to discuss this further? Please let me know if you're interested, and we'll find a time that works for both of us.
Best wishes,
{{Your name}}

The "Attention Grabber" cold email template is intended to pique the recipient's interest and arouse their curiosity about your offer. The ever-important opening line is personalized in an effort to show that you have researched the recipient's website (at a minimum) and are familiar with their work. This is followed by a specific goal you believe you can help them achieve and a clear statement of the problem you can help them solve.

The call-to-action is a short invitation to discuss this further, demonstrating that you value their time and are willing to invest in developing a relationship.

Reasons to Use The "Attention Grabber" Cold Email Template:

  • The personalized opening line to pique the recipient's interest
  • A clear statement of the problem that you can assist them in resolving
  • A specified goal that you believe you can help them in achieving
  • A brief call to action that values their time and invests in developing a relationship.
email templates

The "Straight to Business" Cold Email Template

Hello, {{Name}},
Here’s hoping you’re well. My name is {{Your Name}}, and I'm contacting you because I noticed you work in the {{Industry}} industry.
I wanted to let you know about a product/service that I believe you might be interested in. Our product/service is intended to provide {{specific benefits}}. I believe this could be a good fit for your company for a variety of reasons including, {{specific reasons}}.
Would you like to schedule a quick call to discuss this further? If so, please let me know so that we can arrange a time that works for you.
Best wishes,
{{Your Name}}

The "Straight to the Point" cold email template is intended to quickly communicate to the recipient the value of your product/service. The introduction is friendly and personal, but it quickly gets to the point by mentioning the recipient's industry. The paragraph that follows is a concise statement of the specific benefits your product/service can provide and why it might be a good fit for their company.

The call-to-action is a prompt to take the next step, and shows that you’re committed to making time to get to know the recipient’s needs in order to provide value to their business.

Reasons to Use The "Straight to Business" Cold Email Template

  • A clear and concise message that communicates the value of your product/service quickly.
  • The personalized opening line that demonstrates your research
  • Specific benefits and reasons why your product/service may be a good fit for their business
  • A brief call to action that shows your commitment to getting to know the recipient’s needs in order to provide value to their business.

The "Personalized" Cold Email Template

Hello, {{Name}}.
I hope everything is going well for you. I came across your profile on {{a Social Media Platform/Website}} and noticed that you’re working on {{specific interests}}.
I wanted to reach out and tell you about a project I've been working on that I believe you would be interested in. It's called {{project name}}, and it's intended to provide {{specific benefits}}.
I believe you would be an excellent fit for this project for a growing number of reasons. I'd love to talk more about this with you and see if this is something you'd like to be a part of.
Are you available for a quick phone call next week to go over this further? If so, please let me know so that we can arrange a mutually convenient time.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
{{Your Name}}

The "Personalized" cold email template shows that you researched the recipient's interests and tailored your message to them. The opening line draws your attention to something specific about the recipient's social media presence or website, establishing a personal connection. In the following paragraph, you state the particular benefits of your project and explain why you believe it is a good fit for the recipient's priorities or goals.

By offering a brief phone call to discuss the opportunity further, you’re clearly up for a conversation and are ready to share anything they need to know. This approach not only increases the likelihood of a response but also aids in establishing a positive relationship from the start.

Reasons to Use The "Personalized" Cold Email Template

  • Personalized opening line that proves you’ve been researching and are genuinely interested in the recipient's specific interests
  • Clearly state the specific benefits of your project and why you believe the recipient would be an excellent fit for it.
  • A brief call to action that shows you will make time for the recipient at a time that’s good for them and will offer additional information if they are interested.
improve respose rate

The "Shared Connection" Cold Email Template

Hi {{Name}},
I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out to you because I noticed that we have a mutual connection in {{name of shared connection}}.
{{Shared Connection}} has spoken highly of you and I wanted to connect with you to discuss potential opportunities for us to collaborate.
I specialize in {{your area of expertise}}, and I believe that there could be some potential synergy between our areas of focus.
Would you be open to hopping on a quick call next week to explore this possibility further? I think it could be an exciting opportunity for both of us.
Looking forward to hearing back from you soon.
Best regards,
{{Your Name}}

The "Shared Connection" cold email template is an excellent way to gain credibility and trust from a potential collaborator or partner. By leveraging a shared connection and mentioning it positively, you demonstrate that you are a trustworthy individual with a valuable network. Moving on to briefly mention your area of expertise in the body of the email and suggest that there may be opportunities for collaboration without being pushy helps you establish a position of helpfulness over sales.

This method allows for further discussion without overwhelming the recipient with too much information. Finishing the email with a call-to-action that is simple and direct, inviting the recipient to make a quick phone call to discuss the possibility of collaborating is a deft touch. Using this approach helps to establish a positive tone and sets the stage for a productive meeting.

Reasons to Use The "Shared Connection" Cold Email Template

  • Uses a common bond to establish credibility and trust with the recipient.
  • Briefly mention your area of expertise and suggests the possibility of collaboration in the future.
  • Provides a quick call to action to investigate this possibility further.

The “Problem Solver” Cold Email Template

Hi {{Name}},
I hope this email finds you well. I noticed that you're facing a common challenge that many {{industry}} professionals encounter.
{{brief description of the challenge}}.
At {{Your Company}}, we specialize in solving problems like these for our clients. We have helped numerous companies in your industry overcome similar challenges and achieve significant results.
I would love to discuss this further and learn more about your unique situation. Would you be open to hopping on a quick call next week to explore potential solutions?
Looking forward to hearing back from you soon.
Best regards,
{{Your Name}}

The "Problem Solver" cold email template is all about demonstrating to the recipient that you understand their problems and have the expertise to assist them in resolving them. To do this effectively, you must first make a good impression. As a result, this template begins with a personalized opening line emphasizing a specific challenge that many professionals in the recipient's industry face. By recognizing this pain point right away, you show that you've done your research and understand their world.

Following that, you should briefly introduce your company and demonstrate your expertise in resolving similar problems for other clients in the same industry. This is an important step in building your credibility and demonstrating your ability to provide value.

The call-to-action is simply a request to investigate potential solutions further. It's a low-pressure approach that creates a natural opening for a, hopefully, fruitful conversation that can aid in the development of a long-term relationship.

Reasons to Use The “Problem Solver” Cold Email Template

  • Shows you understand the recipient's problems and that you most likely have a solution that could help.
  • Gives a brief overview of your company's expertise and provides case studies.
  • Offers a clear, concise call to action to further discuss potential solutions.
best cold email templates

The "Value Proposition" Cold Email Template

I hope this email finds you well. I came across your {{platform}} profile and was impressed by your background in {{industry}}.
I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and my company, {{Company Name}}. We specialize in {{services/products}}, and I thought there might be some potential synergies between our companies.
{{offer value}}
If you're interested in connecting further, I'd love to set up a quick call to learn more about your business and explore potential opportunities to work together.
Thanks for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon!
Best regards,
{{Your Name}}

The goal of the "New Connection" cold email template is to make a good first impression and build a relationship with a potential new contact. The email begins with a warm, welcoming, and personalized opening that demonstrates you've done your homework and are keen to deepen your connection with them.

The introduction to yourself and your company is purposefully kept brief. The goal here is to establish your credibility and give them an idea of what you do.

For this email to be successful, you need to provide something of value. That means something that will benefit them in their professional or personal lives. This could be an article, a blog, a helpful tool or resource, or simply your own offer of expert advice. Whatever it is, make certain that it’s relevant to their interests. This should be included in the {{offer value}} section.

Keep the call-to-action simple and to the point. Your sole aim is to get something in the diary. Whether it's a quick call, an in-person meeting, or a virtual coffee chat, the goal is to establish a connection and explore potential synergies.

Reasons to Use The "Value Proposition" Cold Email Template

  • Making new connections is essential for expanding your professional network and increasing your business opportunities.
  • Demonstrates your expertise and establishes yourself as a valuable resource by providing something of value.
  • This template is adaptable enough to be used in a wide range of situations, from cold outreach to networking events.
  • You're more likely to get a positive response and lay the groundwork for a long-term partnership if you take a personalized approach and focus on building a relationship.

The "Warm Referral" Cold Email Template

Subject: A Warm Introduction from {{referrer}}

Dear {{Recipient}},
I hope this email finds you well. I was recently speaking with {{referrer}}, and they suggested that I reach out to you regarding {{reason for referral}}.
{{Referrer}} spoke highly of your {{compliment}} and mentioned that you would be a great fit for {{project or opportunity}}. I would love to learn more about your experience in this area and how we could potentially work together.
Would you be available for a quick call next week? I am available {{dates and times}}.
Thank you for your time, and I look forward to connecting soon.
Best regards,
{{Your Name}}

The "Warm Referral" cold email template is an effective tool for tapping into your network and establishing new connections. Here you’ll notice we included a subject line too. When sending a cold email related to a referral, you’ll be leaning on personalization as much as possible.

The personal touch is pivotal in this email. Rather than sending a generic email to anyone, you're reaching out with a specific purpose and a personalized message. Mention the referrer and what they said about the recipient whenever possible; this will allow you to establish a connection and build rapport right away. You can gain access to new opportunities and establish trust with potential clients or partners by leveraging your existing relationships.

Reasons to Use The "Warm Referral" Cold Email Template

  • The friendly introduction helps you to build trust and credibility with a new contact.
  • Emphasizes a mutual connection and explains why you're reaching out.
  • Perfect choice for those using their network to help find new business opportunities or partnerships.

The "Social Proof" Cold Email Template

Hi {{Name}},
I hope this email finds you well. I came across your profile on {{LinkedIn/Twitter/Website}} and was impressed by your {{specific project/achievement/interest}}.
I noticed that {{Mutual Connection}} is also connected with you, and they spoke highly of you and your work. As someone who shares a similar interest in {{industry/niche}}, I thought I would reach out and introduce myself.
At {{Company Name}}, we've been helping businesses like {{Recipient's Company Name}} to achieve {{specific result}} through our {{product/service}}. Our team has extensive experience in {{industry/niche}}, and we're proud to have worked with clients like {{Client Name}} to achieve measurable results.
I'm curious to learn more about your {{specific goal/challenge}} and how we might be able to support you in achieving your objectives. If you're open to a conversation, I'd be happy to schedule a call at your convenience.
Best regards,
{{Your name}}

The "Social Proof" cold email template can be extremely effective. To begin with, highlighting a well-known and respected source who has previously worked with you or used your product/service establishes credibility and authority with the recipient. This can help to build their trust in you and your product, making them more open to your message.

Furthermore, incorporating social proof into your cold email can help to demonstrate your worth and value proposition in a concrete way. By displaying positive outcomes or results obtained by the aforementioned source with your product/service, you are effectively showing the recipient what you can do for them rather than telling them. This can be very compelling and may motivate them to want to learn more, potentially even work with you.

Reasons to Use The "Social Proof" Cold Email Template

  • Makes use of social proof to establish credibility and trust with prospective clients or partners.
  • Displays the outcomes you've achieved for other clients to demonstrate the worth of your product or service.
  • Provides a clear call-to-action that encourages the recipient to engage with you further.

The "Follow-Up" Cold Email Template

Hi {{Recipient's Name}},
I wanted to quickly follow up on our previous conversation/email regarding {{previous conversation or email topic}}. If it’s not for you, just let me know, and I’ll quit emailing you.
I just wanted to touch base and see if you had any further thoughts or questions about {{previous conversation or email topic}}. If so, please feel free to let me know, and I'll be happy to provide any additional information you might need.
Thanks so much for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.
Best regards,
{{Your name}}

The "Follow-Up" cold email template is a must-have for anyone who wants to stay top-of-mind with their prospects and avoid falling through the cracks. This template is intended to be sent following an initial conversation or email exchange as a gentle reminder that you are still interested in continuing the conversation.

You can keep the lines of communication open and potentially move closer to closing the deal by acknowledging the previous discussion and expressing genuine interest in the recipient's thoughts and questions. It's also always worth giving people a quick way out. Sometimes there's genuinely no requirement for your services, and they just want to say so.

Reasons to Use The "Follow-Up" Cold Email Template

  • Helps you stay top of mind with prospects and keep the conversation moving forward
  • Demonstrates a genuine interest in the recipient's thoughts and questions, which can help to build trust and rapport
  • Can be highly effective in nudging hesitant prospects towards a decision or further discussion.
  • There’s not just one example to use here. In fact, we have a whole bank of email follow-up templates.
cold email templates

The "Event Invitation" Cold Email Template

Hello {{Name}},
I hope this email finds you well. I would like to personally invite you to our upcoming {{event}}. We are excited to {{brief description of the event, what attendees can expect, who else will be attending, etc.}}.
The event will be taking place on {{date}} at {{location}}, and we would be honored if you could join us. We believe you would bring valuable insights to the conversation, and we would love to have you there.
Please let me know if you are interested and available to attend, and I will send over more information on the event, including the agenda and a list of other attendees.
Thank you for considering this invitation. We hope to see you there.
Best regards,
{{Your Name}}

Planning an event and want to invite key industry players? The "Event Invitation" cold email template is intended to help you create an enticing invitation that will encourage recipients to attend.

The premise is that if you're willing to take the time to invite someone to an event that you're sure will be a great fit for them, then they'll value your opinion and be willing to engage with you. Including personal details makes them feel directly invited (rather than a blanket invite), and with the information at hand, they're able to make an informed decision about attending. That means they have an easy way to RSVP and learn more about the event, opening the door to future conversations and potential business opportunities.

Reasons to Use The "Event Invitation" Cold Email Template

  • A personalized greeting demonstrates that makes them feel important.
  • Clear and concise event details help the recipient understand what the event is about and why they should attend.
  • The recipient is encouraged to RSVP quickly because limited availability creates a sense of exclusivity and urgency.

Key Takeaways

Cold emailing can be an effective way to contact potential clients or partners, but it requires careful consideration and planning to be a successful part of your email marketing strategy. You can streamline your process and increase your chances of receiving a response by using templates like the ones discussed in this article. Always personalize your emails, highlight your expertise and credibility, and end with a clear call to action. With these pointers in mind, you'll be well on your way to establishing valuable relationships and expanding your business via cold emailing.

  • Use these templates as a starting point, don’t copy them verbatim.
  • Personalization is key in cold email outreach.
  • Always look to use cold email software to maximize your efficiency where possible.

So, next time you need to reach out to someone cold, don't let it intimidate you. Use these templates and techniques to create effective, compelling emails that get noticed and get results. The only other way of improving your chances is to have Instantly by your side to ensure the best levels of deliverability and incredible email outreach at scale. Get started with Instantly for free today.

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