Cold Email · · 9 min read

Email Introduction Examples For The Perfect First Impression

Email introduction examples help you craft emails that make great first impressions. Here are seven examples of introduction emails for different situations.

Email Introduction Examples For The Perfect First Impression

First impressions are everything, especially in the digital space we work in daily. We want to build trust right from the get-go. That’s precisely what an excellent email introduction does.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a fresh graduate looking for a job or a marketing agency finding new clients. Learning how to write professional introduction emails opens countless opportunities.

So, how do you encapsulate what you’re all about in a single email? What are the factors we need to consider when crafting our introduction?

We’ll answer all that and more! By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to know how to tailor an email introduction for any situation. But first, we need to understand the following:

  • What is an introduction email?
  • Fundamental parts of an introduction email
  • Introduction email examples
  • How to write your introduction email

What is an Introduction Email?

introduction email

An introduction email is the first step toward building rapport, trust, and credibility—essential in every outreach endeavor. Of course, you’re not just sending this email to introduce yourself.

People who send introduction emails typically have a request. It could be a job application, a product you want to sell, or simply asking for information.

Asking for these things outright can send your emails straight to spam. Remember, you’d be emailing people who don’t know who you are and what you represent.

We need a great first impression for the highest chance of a positive response. The goal is to start a conversation that helps you take the next steps toward a fruitful professional relationship.

Fundamental Parts of an Introduction Email

Understanding the fundamental parts of an introduction email helps us craft and refine them to fit our exact needs. For most emails, these include the following:

Subject Line

The first thing your recipients are going to notice is your subject line. It should be engaging and relevant to why you’re reaching out in the first place.

Sometimes, being straightforward works best. For example, if you’re looking to apply for a job in a new firm, the subject line can be as simple as “Inquiry for {{job position}}.”

For sales email introductions, you can’t just go, “I want to sell you something.” Instead, try using subject lines that resonate with your prospect’s business—which is where research and personalization come in.

Salutations and Greetings

Email salutations shouldn’t be slept on. It’s short, but the wrong one might lead to a bad first impression. Do your research. If you’re automating, make sure to double-check the output.

After the salutations, you should include a tailored greeting or an introduction. Try using email icebreakers. As always, ensure it’s relevant to their business or industry.

Research the person you're emailing to make your salutations and greetings more effective. Get an idea of who they are, their roles in their company, and their points.

Reason for Introduction

Your reason for an introduction email directly sets up your call-to-action. After your recipients’ attention with an icebreaker, be concise about your reason for reaching out.

Don’t include irrelevant details that don’t push the needle. Voice out what you’re trying to get and what you can give in return or your unique value proposition.

Value Proposition

Your value proposition must be focused on your prospects for your introduction email to resonate better. For example, if you’re applying for a job, you’d probably include things like, “I’m an expert in XYZ, or I have years of experience in ABC.”

A better alternative would be to rephrase this in a way that highlights the benefits or the value you bring to your prospects. Something like, “I can help you hit quotas” or “I can help you reach a larger target market.”

The same concept applies if you’re trying to send a high-converting business email. Value propositions should highlight the benefits, how you solve pain points, and how you can provide immediate value.

Call to Action (CTA)

As a rule of thumb, CTAs should be actionable. Every professional email should have one. It provides a clear direction for the next steps that you want to take.

In sales, the most common types of CTAs are those that ask for a meeting or a product demo. However, that could be a huge ask, depending on your industry.

If being direct doesn’t work, you can try to incorporate low-effort CTAs. These are no-brainers that provide immediate value to your prospects.

Instead of asking for a meeting, you can ask prospects to click a link to a case study, article, or video that teaches prospects how to address common pain points themselves.

Doing so transforms you from a salesperson to an adviser, keeping you top-of-mind when they want to take the following steps.

Email Signoff

Best regard? Thanks? Take it easy? Do email signoffs even matter? Well, of course, they do! We’re sending introduction emails to make an excellent first impression. We also want to make one that lasts. Email signoffs help us do just that.

According to studies, the best email signoffs with the highest conversions were “Thanks in advance, Best regards, and Kind regards.” Consider using these three in rotation for your subsequent introduction emails.

7 Introduction Email Examples That Make a Good First Impression

introduction email examples

Introduction emails are versatile. You can use it in a variety of business and professional situations. But trying to kick things off can be difficult. Don’t worry, though!

We’ve curated seven great introduction email examples you can draw inspiration from! Try one that fits your niche and tweak it to fit your needs.

Sales Email Introduction

Outreach campaigns, like cold emails, help your business scale at unprecedented rates. But, many fail because of wrong first impressions from prospects. Here’s an example of a great sales email introduction.

Subject Line: Here’s how we solved {{pain point}}

Hey, {{first name}},
I’m {{your name}} from {{company}}. We’ve developed a strategy that helped us solve {{pain point}} in just under {{amount of time}}. We’d like to share our strategy with you.
{{Solution step 1}}
{{Solution step 2}}
{{Solution step 3}}
{{Solution step 4}}
{{Solution step 5}}
It’s a bit of manual work, but once you’re done, everything about {{pain point}} is streamlined, and we haven’t gotten any issues yet—except for scaling.
That’s why we developed {{your product}} to automate the process for us. It’s helped us gain
{{benefit 1}}, {{benefit 2}}, {{benefit 3}}. I know it can help your business, too.
I’ve attached a link to our guide detailing what else {{product}} can do If you want to learn more about it. And if you want a personalized demo, you can reach out to us at any time. {{insert Calendly Link}}.
Thanks in advance,
{{your name}}

Referral Introduction

If a former client refers you to somebody they know, you have a high chance of closing another sale. That’s because customers value the opinions of their peers. The issue is that the referral probably doesn’t know you. Make a great first impression with this referral introduction email:

Subject Line: {{mutual connection}} said you needed help with {{pain point}}

Hey, {{first name}}
I’m {{your name}}. I’ve been working with {{mutual connection}} for {{amount of time}} now, and we’ve had significant progress with their {{campaign }}.
{{mutual connection}} told me that you needed help with {{pain point}}. The great news is that we have just the right solution. It worked for {{mutual connection’s business}}, and we think it’ll work just as well for you.
I already know some details from what {{mutual connection}} told me. But I’d love to hear more from you so I could get into specifics on what we can do to help your business.
Does {{date and time}} work for you? If not, I’ve attached a Calendly link so you can schedule a call at your most convenient time.
Best regards,
{{your name}}

Job Application Introduction

job application introduction

You’d want all the advantages you can get when finding a job in competitive markets. Sending a straightforward message with a resume attached might be the norm. But you’d want to make a great first impression to edge out the competition. Here’s an email introduction you can use:

Subject line: Job application for {{position}}

Dear {{head of recruitment}},
My name is {{your name}}, and I am applying for {{job position}}. I’ve attached my {{CV, resume, or cover letter}}.
I'm ecstatic to apply for the position. I believe that my skills in {{experties}} could be of great value for {{company}} and help them achieve {{goal 1}}, {{goal 2}}, {{goal 3}}.
I’d be happy to accommodate any further requests you may have.
Thanks in advance,
{{your name}}

Introduction Email to New Team

Remote work is becoming the norm. You’ll want to make a great first impression with the people you’d be working with daily. An introduction email can do the job for you!

Subject line: I just joined the {{company}} family

Hey, {{team member’s name}}
I’m {{your name}}, and I’ve recently joined {{company}} as the {{job position}}. I’m excited to start working with you and the entire team.
It would be a great idea to give a little introduction about myself. I’m {{information about yourself}}.
I’d love to learn more about you and the team as well! Looking forward to working with everyone at {{company}}
Thanks in advance,
{{your name}}

Self Introduction Email to Prospects

Let’s say you’ve got a list of qualified prospects with high buying intent. All that’s left is to send a well-timed and well-written introduction or prospecting email for the best chances of closing a deal. If you don’t know where to start, try out this email example:

Subject line: Returning the favor for all the great content!

Hey, {{first name}},
I’m {{your name}}, from {{your company}}. We’ve been following you for a while, and we just want to thank you for all the content on {{topic}}. Your recent post on LinkedIn on it really resonated with our team. It helped us achieve {{goal}} in record time!
So, we thought we’d return the favor! We created a step-by-step guide on {{similar topic}} and how {{product}} can be used to solve {{pain point}}. {{Product}} is a freemium tool we created specifically for {{pain point}}.
We’d love to know what you and your team think about it. If you want a personalized demo, I’d happily accommodate your team! We’ve attached a Calendly link to schedule a meeting at your convenience.
Thanks in advance,
{{your name}}

Introduction Email for New Clients

Excellent job closing deals and converting prospects into new clients! Now, it’s time to start the onboarding process. This should be covered by an automated email follow-up strategy. Remember, your introduction email for new clients should include the following steps.

Subject line: Thanks for joining us! Here’s what's next!

Hey, {{first name}}
Thank you for trusting {{company}} to handle {{service}} for {{client’s company}}. You can rest assured that your {{aspect of client business}} is in capable hands.
In the next few weeks, we’ll be going over {{onboarding process}}. We’ll keep in touch for any significant updates as well!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us through this email at any time. We’d be happy to accommodate you.
It’s great to have you on board!
{{your name}}

Introduction for Collaboration Email Example

Collaborations with influencers, thought leaders, and other businesses is great for expanding your brand awareness authority in your industry and finding new prospects. But as always, we want to make a great first impression. Do so using this collaboration email example:

Subject line: {{first name}}, we love how you’re making waves on {{platform}}

Hey, {{first name}},
We’ve been following you on {{platform}}, and we love your content on {{topic}}. {{compliments relevant to influencer}}.
I’m {{your name}}, and I’m the {{your position}} at {{your company}}. We {{summary of what your brand is about}}.
We can see that you’re passionate about {{topic}}. So are we! Your content aligns with what we’re trying to achieve at {{your company}}. That’s why I wanted to reach out.
We’d like to ask if you’re open to collaborating. We’d love for you to review our products and share your thoughts. Your insight could help us improve them and provide value to our customers.
Let me know if you’re interested in a meeting!
Thanks in advance,
{{your name}}

Key Takeaways

Great email introductions lay the foundations for solid business and professional relationships. To make the most out of your email introduction emails, remember these key details:

  • Make your subject lines relevant to why you’re reaching out.
  • Try using email icebreakers to keep prospects engaged.
  • Your reason for reaching out should be focused on providing value to prospects.
  • Align your value propositions to your CTA.
  • Create a CTA that’s clear and concise. Try Low-effort CTAs to get more responses.
  • Utilize the right email sign-offs for each prospect segment.

You will need the right partner to send sales introduction emails en masse to help your business find new clients or customers. That’s where Instantly comes in! Start for free today!

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