Cold Email · · 9 min read

Read These 16 Email Marketing Blogs Now

The best email marketing blogs teach you fundamentals and advanced topics in a clear and streamlined way. Here are 16 email marketing blogs that do just that.

email marketing blog

Email marketing is the most cost-effective, scalable, and profitable growth strategy for B2B and SaaS. However, finding success demands you learn more than you implement. 

Equipping yourself with the proper knowledge and tools can help you optimize campaigns, streamline pipelines, and avoid wasting money on email marketing. 

One way to learn is through email marketing blogs. But things can get confusing when you keep jumping from one blog to another whenever you try to learn a new topic. 

You need a streamlined guide to learn email marketing quickly and efficiently. In this article, we’ll go over:

  • What makes a good email marketing blog
  • The best email marketing blogs for streamlined learning
  • Leveraging email marketing best practices for your unique needs

What Makes a Good Email Marketing Blog?

The best email marketing blogs streamline learning. Topic clusters should focus on specific aspects of email marketing. You can easily see this when skimming through the blog page. 

The blogs themselves must be clear and concise. Each sentence gives additional value to the overall lesson. There should be a seamless transition between topics as you read. 

Some blogs update weekly, others daily. Find blogs with a consistent upload schedule and those that update older content with more relevant information. 

“How-to” guides should offer step-by-step instructions with screenshots and examples. Finally, product placements shouldn’t be intrusive. They should add value toward solving a pain point.

These are overviews of what an email marketing blog should include at a base level. Style, tone, and objectivity must be considered. Here are the blogs that fit these descriptions. 

Best Email Marketing Blogs in 2024

The following blogs are categorized based on email marketing fundamentals. Find what resonates with your current needs and iterate best practices.

Best Blogs For Learning Email Marketing Fundamentals

To learn email marketing, you must start with the fundamentals. These blogs show step-by-step guides to creating effective email marketing campaigns, from technical setups to optimizations and sales process integrations.

best email marketing blog

Our blog focuses on scaling sales growth through email marketing—specifically cold email outreach, and how cold email can be integrated sustainably into the sales process. 

Our blog teaches fundamentals, such as email best practices, crafting personalized email copy, and the technical setups required to run cold campaigns. 

Once familiar with the basics, dozens of articles discuss automated personalization, A/B testing optimizations, and streamlining the sales engagement process in depth. 

That may sound like too many topics, but they all center on how holistic cold email marketing can generate sustainable revenue and sales growth for your business. 

If you want to get started on cold email marketing as a growth vehicle, check out our step-by-step guide for cold email outreach. It covers technical setups, cold outreach strategies, and email templates for different sales engagement scenarios. 

Campaign Monitor

campaign monitor home

Campaign Monitor’s “resource” page has a library of email marketing content, such as blogs, guides, and webinar recordings.

It offers data-driven statistics on its infographics page, a “comparisons” page that compares its product against top alternatives, and even a glossary for email marketing terms. 

What’s excellent about Campaign Monitor is that the examples in their guides and blogs are based on actual companies and email campaigns. They then dissect best practices, helping you contextualize them for your needs. 


moosend home

Moosend’s blog is similar to Campaign Monitor, with the only difference being that it is a more focused selection of email marketing categories. Their blog is categorized into email marketing fundamentals, marketing automation, landing page optimization, and subscription form design. 

It's an excellent resource library for creating newsletters, nurturing, and response campaigns. They’ve got templates, newsletter statistics, and automation email automation examples from campaigns that landed in their inboxes.

The formula is simple but effective. They show you an example of an email campaign, then explain why it works and how you can leverage what XYZ company did for your business. 

Best Blogs For eCommerce Email and Design Templates

E-commerce email blogs should focus on combining sales intelligence, personalization, email design, and automation. The following blogs provide readers with just that:


milled homepage

Milled isn’t a “blog.” It's a search engine you can use to find emails from top brands in eCommerce. You can learn a lot from the 32 million emails on their database. You just have to break down the best practices yourself. 

This makes Milled one of the best resources for creating newsletters and email campaigns for dropshippers, eCommerce newsletters, and professional marketers looking to grow their business through email marketing. 


stripo home

If you want to learn how to make interactive emails, check out Stripo’s blog. You’ll learn all about email gamification, creating HTML signatures, and design tips to make your emails stand out.

They pride themselves on their resources for email gamification content. Email gamification creates an interactive and engaging email to help boost conversion rates. 

Stripo also has hundreds of email templates, from abandoned cart emails to industry-specific emails, such as agriculture, beauty, and food. 


beefree homepage

BeFree offers design ideas and optimization best practices for your email newsletters. Here, you can learn everything from banner size optimization to color psychology in marketing. They also categorize their blog into three main groups: design, industry insights, and solutions.

Their design content helps you create engaging and persuasive email layouts. Industry insights provide information on email marketing best practices. Solutions focus on how their products and services stack up against competitors. 

If you look at it from a pipeline perspective, their blog already segments leads into top, middle, and bottom-funnel prospects. Top-of-funnel leads can focus on design tips, and middle-funnel leads can get more value from industry insights. Leads interested in their product can look into the solutions category for an in-depth look.


unlayer home

Unlayer’s blog is a go-to for marketers looking to optimize lead capture pages, create better email visuals, and try modular email design software. 

Their blog content also focuses on personal branding, leveraging email marketing during seasonal events like Valentine's Day, and email design best practices. 

Although their blog is focused mainly on design (since they are an email design software), Unlayer also has articles on email fundamentals, such as deliverability, choosing the right ESPs, and lead engagement. 

Best Community-Driven Educational Content for Email Marketing

Most blogs focus on fundamentals and best practices that can apply to a large demographic. If you have a specific email marketing problem, issue, or concern, the best place to go for fast and direct answers isn’t a blog but a community. 

Cold Email Masterclass by

Cold Email Masterclass is a fast-growing Facebook group with over 40,000 cold email marketers. Consider joining if you have a question about email marketing, want tips on improving specific parts of your campaign, or want to find the latest cold email trends.

The group shares dozens of unique approaches to cold emails daily. It’s also a great place to hire or work with vetted and experienced cold email marketers.

Some members focus expertise on email copywriting, lead generation, and AI integrations. You’ve got a wide range of topics to learn from just by being in the group. 

Email Marketing Subreddits

Email marketing subreddits like r/emailmarketing are great places to learn and ask for advice on email copy, tools, and technical questions. All you need is a Reddit account. 

The community has over 50,000 members and is still active. You can also go to subreddits like r/marketing, which doesn’t focus on email marketing but has lots of overlap. The content just needs to be filtered out. 

Email Geeks Slack Channel

Email Geeks is a Slack community for email marketers, designers, and developers. You can join dozens of channels for job openings, events, and HTML design. 

There are currently over 20,000 email experts in this active community. If you want to learn from the top email experts from companies like Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, and Litmus, join this community. 

Linked In

Hundreds of email marketing professionals post best practices for email marketing on LinkedIn. You only need to search for “email marketing” or any specific email marketing topic to find them. 

There are four essential filters you want to look into: Posts, Groups, Courses, and Events.

You’d typically see email experts post snippets of best practices on their LinkedIn page and then give a link to the full blog. 

If you want to join a professional community for email marketers, look at the Groups filter. Dozens of free email marketing courses are available for beginners and intermediate levels. 

Email marketing professionals also have free webinars and events you can join. Topics can range from email marketing 101 to sales email consulting. 

Twitter (X)

If you’re looking for quick, digestible, and straightforward email marketing content, don’t sleep on Twitter. Experts share their thoughts on the latest email trends, email marketing books, and strategies they’re using to boost revenue. 

It’s also a great place to foster relationships with other email marketers, build brand, and get inspiration for your email campaigns. 

Best Omnichannel Marketing Blogs

If you consider the sales process from a macro perspective, email marketing is just one part of your overall sales cadence. You can look into omnichannel marketing blogs for a holistic sales process approach. 


hubspot home

Hubspot has been a content powerhouse for digital marketing. Their catalog of email marketing content shows a lot of overlap with other marketing channels, such as social media and SEO. 

But because they cover various topics, learning from their blog page isn’t necessarily streamlined unless you know exactly what to read next.  

That’s where Hubspot Academy comes in. You can get certifications and free courses catering to email marketing or any other marketing channel. 


marketo home

Marketo is an excellent resource for eCommerce and digital marketing businesses that need an omnichannel approach to business growth. Their blog centers on lead generation, prospecting, and digital marketing best practices. 

Their blog content covers advanced marketing automation, email marketing, lead management, and revenue attribution. It’s an essential blog for omnichannel marketing best practices, mainly if you already use the Adobe Experience Cloud. 


cognism home

Cognism has one of the best blogs for B2B sales and prospecting. You can learn about sales, cold calling, demand generation, email marketing, and how to use different platforms to sustain sales pipelines. 

The best part about Cognism’s content is that it’s backed with statistics and data-driven insights from its tests and campaigns. The blogs also personify their omnichannel approach to content marketing, containing videos and podcasts that explore the topics further.  

Yespo Marketing

yespo home

Yespo Marketing’s blog is all about data and how to use it to improve the sales process. That’s no surprise since Yespo is a customer data platform (CDP). Their blog content focuses on segmentation through lead insights from multiple sources and how to apply them in email marketing. 

They also have case studies explaining how XYZ company gained ABC results using customer data, automation, and email marketing strategies. If you’re in eCommerce looking to leverage customer data to create personalized and segmented email campaigns, the Yespo blog is the place to be. 

Key Takeaways

Every business can use email marketing to grow. It’s essential. To ensure you’re making the most out of your email marketing campaigns, arm yourself with the proper knowledge and tools. The best places to start are the following email marketing blogs: 

  • Visit Instantly, Campaign Monitor, and Moosend to learn email marketing fundamentals. 
  • If you’re looking for eCommerce email and design blogs, consider Milled, Stripo, BeeFree, and Unlayer.
  • Join communities like Cold Email Masterclass, email marketing subreddits, Slack channels, LinkedIn, or Twitter to engage directly with email marketing peers.
  • Read omnichannel blogs such as Hubspot, Marketo, Cognism, or Yespo Marketing for a more holistic approach to sales.

To streamline learning, Instantly users gain access to the Instantly Accelerator program—available to free users. Try it out today! 

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