Cold Email · · 6 min read

Finding New Clients with Email Searching Tools

If you’re looking for your next set of prospects, you need to be able to find and verify contact information quickly—try this.

email searching tools

You know your audience. The issue? You don’t know how to contact them, and you don’t want to risk trial and error tactics. So, is there a solution?

Email searching tools make searching and finding emails a breeze. Some of them are stand-alone software. Others might be web-based or plugins. Whichever style you use, these tools will mean you’re able to find anyone’s email address within just a few clicks.

Having the right emails doesn’t only improve your deliverability. It dramatically improves the effectiveness of your campaigns. It’ll also provide accurate data on your email metrics. Thanks to that, you can use the metrics to enhance your campaign further.

In this article, we’ll go over:

  • Why you should be using email searching tools
  • The best email searching tools available
  • Key features of email searching tools

The Benefits of Email Searching Tools

Building, developing, and maintaining an email list takes work. Especially when you’re working at scale. The more emails added to your list, the higher the risk that you’ll face errors and complications. Email searching tools are here to help you with that management.


It’s tempting to add some variations of an email address, hope one is accurate, and launch a campaign. The issue is that while 1 might get delivered, you might have 9 that don’t. That gives you a bounce rate of 90%. That’s a huge red flag for any ISP or spam filter. Your campaign could be scuppered before you even get started.

Email searching tools often have built-in email verification to test the email before adding it to your list. When you’re only adding verified emails to your list, you’re also protecting your deliverability score.

Effective Targeting

By finding specific email addresses, it means you’re finding specific people. You’re able to send personalized, tailored content directly to that individual. This form of targeting dramatically improves the effectiveness of your campaign. You’re no longer taking a wild shot in the dark. You’re taking precise aim in broad daylight.

Cost Efficiency

Consider each email on your list as a commodity. When you send an email using an email marketing tool, it often counts as an individual credit. If your list is full of guesses or unverified emails, you’re throwing good money away. A clean list ensures that you only spend credits on genuine contact opportunities.

Improved Conversion Rates

When you’re sending targeted emails to specific people rather than catch-all emails such as, “info@” or “team@” you stand a much higher chance of achieving a conversion. You’re able to send a tailored, personalized message that resonates with them on an individual level.

The Top 4 Email Searching Tools


email searching tools

Instantly is a comprehensive email marketing tool. Built into Instantly’s ecosystem is a B2B lead finder that comes complete with email verification. The best part? You only pay for verified leads. There’s no credit consumption. You will only receive email addresses that have been verified.

To complete a search, simply enter your search criteria, click search, and you’ll instantly be provided with thousands of prospects. Those emails can then be added to a list, segmented, and then fed into an email marketing campaign.

One of the most exciting features is the ability to clone clients with lookalikes. If you find a client that seems perfect, create a lookalike search of them and Instantly will return prospects that match the same criteria. This dramatically improves the likelihood of your campaign converting prospects into leads.

Key Features

  • A huge database of over 160 million contacts
  • Lead prospecting
  • Email verification as standard
  • Connection to email campaigns


You can get started with Instantly completely for free and then scale up to one of the paid plans. The $ 47-a-month starting tier will get you 1,000 leads. The $197 a month will push that number up to 10,000 leads.

The email marketing platform starts from $37 a month for the Growth package. Then, the Hypergrowth tier costs $97 a month for 10,000 sent emails across 25,000 active leads.

hunter email searching tool

One of the most popular options on the market is Hunter. Hunter has a huge selection of email addresses within its database, ready for you to search through. You can access the software through an accessible UI via a web app, or you can add it to your Chrome browser through an extension.

When you want to search, you can do so through the following options:

  • Search by domain
  • Search by name
  • Search in bulk

Once you’ve completed a search, you can move on to verify the email using the built-in tool. Each email can then be fed to your email marketing tool or a CRM, thanks to the wide variety of integrations that Hunter offers.

Key Features

  • Email verification
  • Campaign creation
  • Analytics and tracking
  • Drip campaigns


If you’d like to give Hunter a go without paying, the free option is a great choice. It only gives you 25 searches a month with 50 verifications, and you can’t search by domain. The paid option starts at $49 a month and offers a comprehensive 500 searches with 1000 verifications.

email search tool

560 million. That’s the number of contacts that says it has access to through its database. It’s a database made up of companies, individuals, LinkedIn profiles, and web domains. Those contacts are spread across 20 million companies. The expanse is vast. The key, however, is for you to focus on people that best fit your audience. doesn’t appear to offer verification, but it claims that 92% of their results are accurate. You can also rest assured that using is both GDPR and CCPA-compliant.

Searching for and collecting the email address is just the start of this tool. You can also enrich the data by using searches that take information from Google Maps and domain searches.

Key Features

  • Search through multiple methods
  • A high degree of accuracy
  • Analytics suite


Everyone can use for free for the first 100 searches. The lowest available tier starts at $29 a month, but that tier has no email verification included. If you need to verify your emails, which for the above reasons, you should, you’ll need to use the $49 a month tier. This gives you 5,000 searches a month plus access to the aforementioned data enrichment.

Find That Lead

find that lead email searching tool

Find That Lead is a great option for businesses focusing on B2B. As you can see from the screenshot, their clients include some of the largest businesses in the world. There’s more to FindThatLead than just email searching and lead generation. It includes a wide number of other sales and marketing tools.

If you choose this option, we’d recommend that you use the Chrome extension. By adding this to your browser, you can search for emails at the click of a button. It works excellently on websites such as LinkedIn and Twitter but even works on individual business websites too. Once contact details are found, it’ll also share social media profiles (if found) and even phone numbers.

FindThatLead allows you to take this data and feed it into the built-in email marketing tool. That tool has the ability to create whole email campaigns, including drip and sequencing. Once a campaign is underway, you can track and monitor success using the detailed analytics suite.

Key Features

  • Email verification in just one click
  • Impressive Chrome extension enables email searching on any website
  • Access not just emails but social profiles and contact numbers too


StartThatLead suggests that you can start for free, but this appears to be a free trial rather than a free plan. The starter plan is billed at $49 a month, which gets you 5,000 credits to use across 2 campaign accounts. You can also send 400 daily emails at that tier. Higher-priced tiers allow for scalability by adding more credits, users, and campaign accounts.

Key Takeaways

To have a successful outreach campaign, you need more than just the desire to complete it. You need the right tools equipped for the job. That means using email searching tools so that you’re armed with accurate, verified email addresses. Your campaigns will then resonate with an engaged and connected audience. In turn, that will lead to more conversions and a far better ROI.

  • Verified email addresses ensure that your bounce rate is kept low and your account is not flagged for spam.
  • If you’re focused on genuine email addresses, you’re maximizing the effectiveness of your campaign.
  • Remember to work to the rule of quality over quantity. It’s far better to talk to a handful of engaged recipients than 1,000 who don’t care.

Instantly makes prospecting incredibly simple. Thanks to the B2B lead finder, followed up by a sophisticated suite of email marketing tools. Are you ready to get started? Signing up is simple.

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10x your leads, meetings and deals.

Instantly scales your outreach campaigns with unlimited email sending accounts, email warmup, B2B lead database and generative AI