Every business needs a website. It's a 24/7 lead generation machine, a repository for all the information about your products, and the central hub for all online efforts.
Getting a new or updated version of your website is exciting. You want to keep customers and patrons in the loop. The best way of doing so is with a new website announcement email.
Why You Should Send a Website Announcement Email
You can announce a new website in in several ways: tell your followers on social media, send an SMS blast, or create a promotional video.
So, why bother with email?
Email is intimate. Social media has a wide reach. But, it doesn’t reach your core audience. This makes a new website announcement crucial to any launch strategy because of the following:
Email is a More Convenient & Accessible
People always check their phones. Statistics show that over 60% of emails are opened on mobile devices. It makes sense to send announcements in a medium that’s convenient.
Even if people don’t open your email, they’ll still get notified. If you only rely on social media for announcements, you’re at the mercy of the algorithm. You often have to pay for wider reach.
It Gives a Sense of Community
Converting customers into advocates for your brand starts with community building. Keeping your audience in the loop says you want them to be a part of your community.
Emphasize this even more by keeping them in the loop with each milestone. Don’t just announce the new website when it’s finished. Use email to build anticipation and excitement.
Tailored & Segmented Announcements
A new website offers a lot of value to different people. Segment and tailor email lists to provide value to specific demographics. That’s why you need to learn how to angle value propositions.
This gives a layer of personalization to each new website announcement email. You can’t get this level of personalization on social media and other communication mediums.
You Can Track Emails to Gauge Interest
Subscribers will engage differently with your announcement emails. Some will be more interested than others. These are the subscribers you want to focus on.
Tools like Instantly.ai track open and click rates to gauge interest. Interested subscribers can be added to separate campaigns for cross or upselling, discounts, or promotions.
Subscribers Chose to Receive Your Email
Unsolicited emails kill your sender's reputation. But, if you have an email list of people who subscribed to your newsletters, people are more likely to open your emails.
To maximize the effectiveness of your launch strategy, you can include subscription forms in key landing pages of your old website. If you don’t have a website yet, then use social media.
Subscribers who aren’t interested can easily opt out. You can tag these leads as “not interested”, delete them from your campaign, or add them to a global block list.
New Website Announcement Email Templates
There are several ways to announce a new website through email marketing. Here are five templates you can steal and adjust to fit your branding, needs, and goals.
Announcement Rollout Email Sequence
Announcements should build anticipation, gather interest, and get people excited. You get all three by sending a series of automated emails instead of just one announcement email.
Here’s an example of a three-part email sequence that starts with a teaser, then an announcement date, and the final new website launch email.
Email 1: The Teaser
Subject line: Big things coming your way soon!
Hey, {{first name}},
We’ve been working day and night to bring you an elevated online experience. Our whole team is excited to show what’s next for {{company name}}. Thank you for sticking with us.
Trust us when we say big things are coming your way soon. We can’t give away too much just yet. Trust us, it’ll be worth the wait.
{{your name}}
Email 2: Announcement Date & Countdown
Subject line: Our BIGGEST priority is you
Hey there, {{first name}},
{{your name}} here, {{position}} at {{company name}}!
I usually share news on {{platform}} but wanted to reach out personally this time to share our biggest update so far. Last year, we dreamed of bringing the best experience to our users.
That’s why we worked with the best people, listened to our community’s feedback, and took our time to bring you an upgraded version of {{website}}. It’s not just cosmetics. We’re bringing:
New feature 1
New feature 2
New feature 3
And we have a lot more in store for you when we launch on {{date}}. It’s still the beginning of our journey— one we hope you’ll join us on.
See you,
{{your name}} & your friends at {{company name}}
Email 3: Launch Day
Subject line: Unveiling {{company name}}’s Brand New Website!
Hey, {{first name}},
It’s here! Our team is excited to announce the launch of the new {{company name}} website. We’ve got a sleek new design, seamless navigation, and awesome new features.
We wanted to give back to our community as a special launch celebration. Get {{discount}} off any purchase for our new site rollout week. Simply use {{code}} at checkout.
Check out our new home today.
{{CTA button going to website}}
See you there,
{{your name}}
Sneak Peak Website Announcement Template
Sometimes, the process is just as interesting as the finished product. Give your audience a behind-the-scenes look into the making of your new website.
Share the design process, the features you want to add, and the team that’s working hard to give a better user experience. This intimate preview fosters deep connections with your brand.
Subject line: A sneak peek of what we’ve been working on
Hey, {{first name}},
We usually don’t do this, but the team is so excited about the new project that we have to give you a behind-the-scenes look! Get an insider view into our design process, meet our talented team, and get early access to new features.
Stay tuned for the official launch date!
{{your name}}
Early Access Email Template
Exclusivity is a powerful tool. Reward your most loyal followers with early access to your new website. You can promote a waiting list with limited slots.
Subject line: You’re In! Get Early Access to {{website}}
Hey, {{first name}},
Your continued support means the world to us. We’re thrilled to give you early access to our upgraded website! We want you to be among the first to test out the updates we’ve been working on. And of course, we’re going to need your feedback!
Click the link below to get early access!
{{early access link}}
We can't wait to hear your thoughts on the new website. Your input will help ensure a flawless experience for every member of our community.
{{your name}}
New Website Launch + Referral
Launching a new website and attracting new subscribers? That’s an easy win-win scenario. Incentivize existing subscribers to spread the word about your new website through referrals.
Ensure that your subscribers and the people they invite get something out of it too through your value propositions. Here’s an example email template you can use.
Subject line: We got something special for you and your friends!
Hey, {{first name}},
We’re launching our new and improved website on {{date}} and we want to ensure that you get something in return as a token of our appreciation for your continued support.
As part of our new website rollout, we’re giving 20% off your next purchase when the site is live! You can also share your unique referral link: {{referral link}} so your friend also gets 20% off.
We can't wait to welcome your friends into our community!
{{your name}}
Localization Announcement Email
If you’re a global brand creating a new website to tailor content for specific demographics can bring a new level of convenience. For example, you can promote a site tailored for a specific language.
Subject line: We speak {{language}}!
Hey, {{first name}},
Prefer shopping in {{language}}? We’re happy to announce that the {{language}} version of our site is now live! We understand that {{niche}} is a universal language, so you can now shop in either English or {{language}}.

Key Takeaways
Launching a new website is a perfect opportunity to engage with your core audience. Don’t just get the website live and call it a day. Build anticipation, connect with your community, and generate genuine interest for your new website.
To ensure you’re making the most out of your new website announcement email, here are the best practices to consider:
- Include the new website launch in your go-to-market strategy
- Use personalization whenever possible (first names, segmentation, tailored content)
- Leverage visuals to emphasize new features, offerings, and excitement
- Segment email lists before launching announcement campaigns
- Use email marketing automation tools to streamline the process
If you’re looking for a way to automate website announcements, newsletters, or cold emails, Instantly is the perfect tool for every business of any size.