· 7 min read

The Ultimate List of 700+ Spam Trigger Words to Avoid in 2024

The last thing you want after preparing an awesome email outreach campaign is to get flagged for using a combination of spam trigger words in your email subject lines. Here’s an ultimate list of spam trigger words to steer clear of.

spam trigger words

There are many factors that can get your email to land right in the spam inbox. Sender reputation, proper email authentication, and message volume are just a few of the well-known ones.
But even with everything just right, one surefire way to raise red flags is using spam trigger words in your email subject lines. In this article, we’ll cover what exactly are spam trigger words and a list of 700+ spam words to look out for.

Let’s dive in!

What Are Spam Trigger Words?

Spam trigger words are phrases that raise red flags with email service providers like Gmail or Outlook. There are billions of spam emails sent daily and AI algorithms continue to get better at spotting them, one major way being through spam trigger words.

Of course, context is key and luckily something algorithms can differentiate. A newsletter titled “Weekly Crypto News and Trends” is not the same as one titled “Become a Crypto Millionaire Today!

There are countless emails discussing money on a daily basis that don’t get marked as spam, but with the right combination of words and exclamation marks, that’s when an email will likely get flagged.

Spammy subject lines usually share common themes such as:

  • Shady claims and promises that often involve money.
  • Adult-related content (accounts for 31.7% of all spam).
  • Have urgent or too good to be true offers.
  • Punctuation, symbols, and syntax that stand out to grab attention.

The Ultimate List of 700+ Spam Trigger Words

Feel free to reference this list to double-check your subject lines or to get an idea of common spam trigger words. You can also download the complete list here!

Shady Spam Words 😨

  1. 0 down
  2. Addresses
  3. Addresses on cd
  4. All
  5. All natural
  6. All natural/new
  7. All new
  8. All-natural
  9. All-new
  10. Allowance
  11. As seen on
  12. As seen on Oprah
  13. At no cost
  14. Auto email removal
  15. Avoice bankruptcy
  16. Avoid
  17. Beneficial offer
  18. Billing
  19. Billing Address
  20. Brand new pager
  21. Bulk email
  22. Cable converter
  23. Calling creditors
  24. Can you help us?
  25. Cancel at any time
  26. Cannot be combined
  27. Casino
  28. Celebrity
  29. Cell phone cancer scam
  30. Certified
  31. Chance
  32. Cheap
  33. Cheap meds
  34. Cialis
  35. Clearance
  36. Collect
  37. Collect child support
  38. Compare
  39. Compare now
  40. Compare online
  41. Compare rates
  42. Compete for your business
  43. Confidentiality
  44. Confidentiality on all orders
  45. Congratulations
  46. Consolidate debt and credit
  47. Consolidate your debt
  48. Copy accurately
  49. Copy DVDs
  50. COVID
  51. Credit bureaus
  52. Cures
  53. Cures baldness
  54. Dig up dirt on friends
  55. Direct email
  56. Direct marketing
  57. Eliminate debt
  58. Explode your business
  59. Fast viagra delivery
  60. Finance
  61. Financial
  62. Financial advice
  63. Financial independence
  64. Financially independent
  65. For new customers only
  66. Foreclosure
  67. Free
  68. Free access/money/gift
  69. Free bonus
  70. Free cell phone
  71. Free DVD
  72. Free grant money
  73. Free information
  74. Free installation
  75. Free offer
  76. Free priority mail
  77. Free sample
  78. Free website
  79. Free!
  80. Get
  81. Gift card
  82. Gift certificate
  83. Gift included
  84. Give it away
  85. Giving away
  86. Giving it away
  87. Gold
  88. Great
  89. Great deal
  90. Greetings of the day
  91. Growth hormone
  92. Guarantee
  93. Guaranteed deposit
  94. Guaranteed income
  95. Guaranteed payment
  96. Have you been turned down?
  97. Hello (with no name included)
  98. Hidden
  99. Hidden assets
  100. Hidden charges
  101. Hidden costs
  102. Hidden fees
  103. High score
  104. Home based business
  105. Home mortgage
  106. Human
  107. Human growth hormone
  108. If only it were that easy
  109. Important information
  110. Important notification
  111. In accordance with laws
  112. Instant weight loss
  113. Insurance Lose weight
  114. Internet marketing
  115. Investment decision
  116. Invoice
  117. It’s effective
  118. Job alert
  119. Junk
  120. Lambo
  121. Laser printer
  122. Last Day
  123. Leave
  124. Legal
  125. Legal notice
  126. Life
  127. Life insurance
  128. Lifetime access
  129. Lifetime deal
  130. Limited
  131. Limited amount
  132. Limited number
  133. Limited offer
  134. Limited supply
  135. Limited time offer
  136. Limited time only
  137. Loan
  138. Loans
  139. Long distance phone number
  140. Long distance phone offer
  141. Lose weight
  142. Lose weight fast
  143. Lose weight spam
  144. Lottery
  145. Lower interest rate
  146. Lower interest rates
  147. Lower monthly payment
  148. Lower your mortgage rate
  149. Lowest insurance rates
  150. Lowest interest rate
  151. Lowest rate
  152. Lowest rates
  153. Luxury
  154. Luxury car
  155. Mail in order form
  156. Mark this as not junk
  157. Mass email
  158. Medical
  159. Medicine
  160. Medium
  161. Meet girls
  162. Meet me
  163. Meet singles
  164. Meet women
  165. Member
  166. Member stuff
  167. Message contains
  168. Message contains disclaimer
  169. Message from
  170. Millionaire
  171. Millions
  172. Miracle
  173. MLM
  174. Money
  175. Multi-level marketing
  176. Name
  177. Near you
  178. Never before
  179. New
  180. New domain extensions
  181. Nigerian
  182. No age restrictions
  183. No catch
  184. No claim forms
  185. No cost
  186. No credit check
  187. No credit experience
  188. No deposit required
  189. No disappointment
  190. No experience
  191. No fees
  192. Not junk
  193. Not scam
  194. Not spam
  195. Notspam
  196. Number 1
  197. Obligation
  198. Off
  199. Off everything
  200. Off shore
  201. Offer extended
  202. Offers
  203. Offshore
  204. One hundred percent
  205. One-time
  206. Online biz opportunity
  207. Online degree
  208. Online income
  209. Online job
  210. Online marketing
  211. Online pharmacy
  212. Open
  213. Opportunity
  214. Opt-in
  215. Outstanding value
  216. Outstanding values
  217. Password
  218. Passwords
  219. Pay your bills
  220. Per day/per week/per year
  221. Per month
  222. Perfect
  223. Performance
  224. Phone
  225. Please
  226. Please open
  227. Presently
  228. Print form signature
  229. Print from signature
  230. Print out and fax
  231. Priority mail
  232. Privately owned funds
  233. Prizes
  234. Problem
  235. Problem with shipping
  236. Problem with your order
  237. Produced and sent out
  238. Profit
  239. Promise you
  240. Purchase
  241. Pure Profits
  243. Rate
  244. Real thing
  245. Rebate
  246. Reduce debt
  247. Refinance
  248. Refinance home
  249. Refinanced home
  250. Regarding
  251. Removal instructions
  252. Removes
  253. Removes wrinkles
  254. Replica watches
  255. Request
  256. Request now
  257. Request today
  258. Requires initial investment
  259. Requires investment
  260. Reserves the right
  261. Reverses aging
  262. Risk free
  263. Rolex
  264. Round the world
  265. S 1618
  266. Safeguard notice
  267. Sale
  268. Sales
  269. Save
  270. Save $, Save €
  271. Save big
  272. Save big month
  273. Save money
  274. Save now
  275. Score
  276. Score with babes
  277. Search engine listings
  278. Search engine optimisation
  279. Search engines
  280. Section 301
  281. See for yourself
  282. Seen on
  283. Sent in compliance
  284. Serious
  285. Serious case
  286. Serious offer
  287. Serious only
  288. Sex
  289. Shop now
  290. Shopper
  291. Shopping spree
  292. Snoring
  293. Social security number
  294. Soon
  295. Spam
  296. Spam free
  297. Special deal
  298. Special discount
  299. Special for you
  300. Special offer
  301. Stainless steel
  302. Stock alert
  303. Stock disclaimer statement
  304. Stock pick
  305. Stocks/stock pick/stock alert
  306. Stop calling me
  307. Stop emailing me
  308. Stop further distribution
  309. Stop snoring
  310. Strong buy
  311. Stuff on sale
  312. Subject to
  313. Subject to cash
  314. Subject to credit
  315. Subscribe
  316. Subscribe for free
  317. Subscribe now
  318. Super promo
  319. Supplies
  320. Take action now
  321. Talks about hidden charges
  322. Talks about prizes
  323. Teen
  324. Tells you it’s an ad
  325. Terms
  326. The best rates
  327. The email asks for a credit card
  328. The following form
  329. They make a claim or claims that they're in accordance with spam law
  330. They try to keep your money no refund
  331. They try to keep your money, no refund
  332. They’re just giving it away
  333. This isn't junk
  334. This isn't spam
  335. This isn’t a scam
  336. This isn’t junk
  337. This isn’t spam
  338. Timeshare
  339. Timeshare offers
  340. Traffic
  341. Trial unlimited
  342. U.S. dollars
  343. Undisclosed
  344. Undisclosed recipient
  345. University diplomas
  346. Unsecured credit
  347. Unsecured debt
  348. Unsolicited
  349. US dollars / Euros
  350. Vacation
  351. Vacation offers
  352. Valium
  353. Viagra
  354. Vicodin
  355. VIP
  356. Wants credit card
  357. Warranty
  358. Warranty expired
  359. We hate spam
  360. We honor all
  361. Website visitors
  362. Weight loss
  363. Wife
  364. Win
  365. Winner
  366. Winning
  367. Won
  368. Xanax
  369. XXX
  370. You have been chosen
  371. You have been selected
  372. Your chance
  373. Your income
  374. Your status
  375. Zero chance
  376. Zero percent
  377. Zero risk
  378. 50% off
  379. Ad
  380. Bargain
  381. Cost
  382. Costs
  383. Credit
  384. Discount
  385. Email harvest
  386. Email marketing
  387. F r e e
  388. For free
  389. For just $xxx
  390. For just $yyy
  391. Free and free
  392. Insurance
  393. Internet market
  394. Mortgage
  395. Mortgage rates
  396. Name Brand
  397. One hundred percent free
  398. One time mailing
  399. Only $
  400. Per day
  401. Per week
  402. Price
  403. Prices
  404. Quote
  405. Rates
  406. Removal
  407. Remove
  408. Solution
  409. Terms and conditions
  410. Account-based marketing (ABM)
  411. Accounts
  412. Confidentially on all orders
  413. Content marketing
  414. Dear [email address]
  415. Dear [first name]
  416. Dear [wrong name]
  417. Digital marketing
  418. Email extractor
  419. Extract email
  420. Home
  421. Home based
  422. Home employment
  423. Home-based
  424. Home-based business
  425. Homebased business
  426. If you no longer wish to receive
  427. Increase your sales
  428. Lose
  429. Marketing solution
  430. Multi level marketing
  431. Reverses
  432. Search engine
  433. Stop
  434. Work at home
  435. Work from home
  436. !!!
  437. ???
  438. ?!?
  439. !?!?
  440. Crypto millionaire
  441. Crypto
  442. Bitcoin
  443. Cryptocurrency

Urgency Spam Words ❗

  1. Access now
  2. Act
  3. Act immediately
  4. Act now
  5. Act now!
  6. Action
  7. Action required
  8. Apply here
  9. Apply now
  10. Apply now!
  11. Apply online
  12. Become a member
  13. Before it's too late
  14. Buy
  15. Buy direct
  16. Buy now
  17. Buy today
  18. Call
  19. Call free
  20. Call free/now
  21. Call me
  22. Call now
  23. Call now!
  24. Can we have a minute of your time?
  25. Cancel now
  26. Cancellation required
  27. Claim now
  28. Click
  29. Click below
  30. Click here
  31. Click me to download
  32. Click now
  33. Click this link
  34. Click to get
  35. Click to remove
  36. Contact us immediately
  37. Deal ending soon
  38. Do it now
  39. Do it today
  40. Don't delete
  41. Don't hesitate
  42. Don't waste time
  43. Don’t delete
  44. Exclusive deal
  45. Expire
  46. Expires today
  47. Final call
  48. For instant access
  49. For Only
  50. For you
  51. Friday before [holiday]
  52. Get it away
  53. Get it now
  54. Get now
  55. Get started
  56. Get started now
  57. Great offer
  58. Here
  59. Hurry up
  60. Immediately
  61. Important information regarding
  62. Info you requested
  63. Information you requested
  64. Instant
  65. Limited time
  66. New customers only
  67. Now
  68. Now only
  69. Offer expires
  70. Once in lifetime
  71. Only
  72. Order now
  73. Order today
  74. Please read
  75. Purchase now
  76. Sign up free
  77. Sign up free today
  78. Supplies are limited
  79. Take action
  80. Take action now
  81. This won’t last
  82. Time limited
  83. Today
  84. Top urgent
  85. Trial
  86. Urgent
  87. What are you waiting for?
  88. While supplies last
  89. You are a winner
  90. Cheap Offers Spam Words
  91. 4u
  92. Acceptance
  93. Access
  94. Avoid Bankruptcy
  95. Being a member
  96. Card accepted
  97. Cards accepted
  98. Cents on the dollar
  99. Credit card offers
  100. Offer
  101. Pre-approved
  102. Save $
  103. Success
  104. You are a winner!
  105. You have been selected!
  106. You’re a winner!

Over-Exaggerated Spam Words 🪙

  1. #1
  2. %
  3. % free
  4. % Satisfied
  5. 0%
  6. 0% risk
  7. 100%
  8. 100% free
  9. 100% more
  10. 100% off
  11. 100% satisfied
  12. 99.90%
  13. 99%
  14. Access for free
  15. Additional income
  16. Amazed
  17. Amazing
  18. Amazing offer
  19. Amazing stuff
  20. Be amazed
  21. Be surprised
  22. Be your own boss
  23. Believe me
  24. Best bargain
  25. Best deal
  26. Best offer
  27. Best price
  28. Best rates
  29. Big bucks
  30. Billion
  31. Billion Dollars
  32. Bonus
  33. Boss
  34. Can’t live without
  35. Cancel
  36. Cash
  37. Cash bonus
  38. Cashcashcash
  39. Consolidate debt
  40. Double your
  41. Double your cash
  42. Double your income
  43. Drastically reduced
  44. Earn
  45. Earn $
  46. Earn Cash
  47. Earn extra cash
  48. Earn money
  49. Earn per week
  50. Eliminate bad credit
  51. Expect to earn
  52. Extra
  53. Extra cash
  54. Extra income
  55. Fantastic
  56. Fantastic deal
  57. Fantastic offer
  58. FAST
  59. Fast cash
  60. Financial freedom
  61. Free access
  62. Free consultation
  63. Free gift
  64. Free hosting
  65. Free info
  66. Free investment
  67. Free membership
  68. Free money
  69. Free preview
  70. Free quote
  71. Free trial
  72. Full refund
  73. Get out of debt
  74. Get paid
  75. Giveaway
  76. Guaranteed
  77. Income
  78. Income from home
  79. Increase sales
  80. Increase traffic
  81. Incredible deal
  82. Join billions
  83. Join millions
  84. Join millions of Americans
  85. Join thousands
  86. Lower monthly payments
  87. Lower rates
  88. Lowest price
  89. Make $
  90. Make money
  91. Million
  92. Million dollars
  93. Money back
  94. Money making
  95. Month trial offer
  96. More Internet Traffic
  97. Multilevel marketing
  98. No gimmicks
  99. Number one
  100. Once in a lifetime
  101. One hundred percent guaranteed
  102. One time
  103. Pennies a day
  104. Potential earnings
  105. Prize
  106. Promise
  107. Pure profit
  108. Risk-free
  109. Satisfaction guaranteed
  110. Save big money
  111. Save up to
  112. Serious cash
  113. Special promotion
  114. The best
  115. Thousands
  116. Unbeatable offer
  117. Unbelievable
  118. Unlimited
  119. Unlimited trial
  120. Weight
  121. Why pay more?
  122. Wonderful
  123. You will not believe your eyes
  124. Slaes & Marketing Spam Words
  125. $$$
  126. £££
  127. €€€
  128. A few
  129. Accept cash cards
  130. Affordable
  131. Affordable deal
  132. Bad credit
  133. Bank
  134. Bankruptcy
  135. Billionaire
  136. Cash out
  137. Cash-out
  138. Claim your discount
  139. Credit card
  140. Credit or Debit
  141. Dollars
  142. Don’t hesitate!
  143. Double your wealth
  144. Earn extra income
  145. Earn from home
  146. Earn monthly
  147. Earn per month
  148. Earn your degree
  149. Easy income
  150. For just $
  151. For just $ (amount)
  152. For just $(insert whatever amount)
  153. Get Money
  154. Get your money
  155. Huge discount
  156. Increase revenue
  157. Increase sales/traffic
  158. Increase your chances
  159. Initial investment
  160. Instant earnings
  161. Instant income
  162. Investment advice
  163. Maintained
  164. Money-back guarantee
  165. Money-making
  166. Monthly payment
  167. Opt in
  168. Price protection
  169. US dollars

Key Takeaways

Avoiding spam trigger words is just one way of many to stay out of spam folders. Keep in mind that it’s natural to use many of the words listed with the right context and reputation, but a combination of a few can be problematic.

More often than not, spam trigger themes involve:

  • Money
  • Urgency
  • Shady or sleazy offers
  • Over-exaggeration
  • Too good to be true offers

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