Cold Email · · 4 min read

5 Sales Break-Up Emails And When to Use Them

What do you do when your prospect doesn’t respond to your emails? Writing a sales break-up email is an effective way of following up with those prospects that have gone cold and allowing them to reconnect.

sales break-up emails

Sales emails can be a powerful way to reach out to potential customers and generate conversions. Research has found that email is 40 times more likely to acquire new customers than Facebook and Twitter combined. Similarly, personalized emails generate 6x higher transaction rates than non-personalized emails.

In this article, we will cover:

  • Why send a break up email?
  • When should you send break up email?
  • Five sales break up email that rekindle engagement

Why Send a Break Up Email?

The reason to send a break up email is to increase your chances of success and reconnect with potential customers. It’s easy for buyers to get lost in the mix and forget about your offer, but with a follow-up email, you can remind them of the value you provide.

When Should You Send a Break Up Email?

Break up emails should be used as a last resort when all other communication attempts have failed. Before sending a break up email, you should make sure you’ve made multiple attempts to reach out to the customer.

It’s crucial to ensure that you have given the customer a reasonable amount of time to respond. If you send a break up email too soon, the customer might feel like you’re pressuring them and could be put off. Generally speaking, it’s best to wait at least a week after your last attempt before sending a break up email.

You should also have a customer engagement strategy in mind when sending out sales emails. This means that you should be aware of the stages in your sales engagement process and when buyers are likely respond. If a buyer is not responding to your emails, it’s likely time to send out a break up email.

5 Sales Break Up Emails That Rekindle Engagement

Email copywriting is an art, and crafting the perfect break up email can be tricky. To help you out, here are five sales break up emails that can help you rekindle engagement with your prospects:

Keeping It Short and Sweet

In this email, you are keeping it short and sweet. You’re not trying to sell the customer on anything, but simply reminding them that you’re still interested in working with them. It’s a great way to let them know you’re still around.

Hi {{Name}},
I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to touch base and check in with you one last time before I move on. I understand that you might not be interested in {{offer}} right now, but if it ever makes sense to reconnect, shoot me an email.
I wish you all the best in your business endeavors!
Best regards,
{{Your Name}}

Thanking Your Prospect

This email serves to thank your prospect for their time and let them know you appreciate their consideration. It’s a polite way of saying that you understand if they don’t want to continue the conversation and allows them to respond.

Hi {{Name}},
Thank you for taking the time to consider my offer. I understand it doesn’t look like we'll be working together at the moment, but I wanted you to know that I appreciate your time.
I hope we can reconnect at another time.
Best regards,
{{Your Name}}

Provide Value Before Parting Ways

This email provides your customer with value before you part ways. It’s a great way to leave them with something of value and show that you are still invested in their success.

Hi {{Name}},
I’ve reached out to you a few times recently, and I understand if you’re not interested in what I have to offer. Before we part ways, I wanted to leave you with something of value.
I think that our product or service could really benefit your team in many ways, especially in the areas you mentioned:
1. {{Value proposition #1}}
2. {{Value proposition #2}}
3. {{Value proposition #3}}
I’ll stop reaching out if I don’t hear back from you within this week.
Thank You,
{{Your Name}}

Setup a Future Follow-up Cycle

This email serves the purpose of establishing a future follow-up cycle. It allows you to stay in touch with the customer and ensure that you don’t lose track of them.

Hello {{Name}},
I’ve been reaching out to you because I think our product or service could benefit your team in many ways and help you reach the specific goals you mentioned.
I don’t want to annoy you, and from my ignored messages, I understand that you’re not interested in the offer at this time.
Therefore, I'll check back in six months or so unless you let me know that you’re ready to evaluate our offer sooner.
Good luck!
{{Your Name}}

Bring In the CEO

This email aims to bring in a higher-up to rekindle engagement. It’s an effective way of showing the customer that you want to work with them.

Hi {{Name}},
I hope this email finds you well. I'm {{name}}, the CEO of {{company name}}. My sales rep mentioned that you had a demo of our product.
Our product could benefit your organization by helping you reach your goals. I'd love to discuss this further and answer any questions you may have.
I'm available throughout {{time}} if you'd like to connect.
Best regards,
{{Your Name}}

Key Takeaways

A break-up email is your last attempt to reconnect and nurture a potential customer. The right time to send a break-up email is when you are exhausted from all other attempts to get the customer’s attention.

Before you craft your next break-up email, consider these top tips:

  • Keeping it short and simple: Express your understanding and offer to reconnect if the time is right.
  • Thank Your Prospect: Thank your prospect for their time and consideration. Tell them you understand if they don’t see you as the right fit and appreciate their attention.
  • Provide Value Before Parting Ways: Provide your customer with value before you part ways. Show them that even though you don’t have a business relationship at the moment, you are still invested in their success.
  • Setup a Future Follow-up Cycle: Establish a future follow-up cycle, so you don’t lose track of them.

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