Cold Email · · 9 min read

29 Effective and Catchy Email Subject Lines for Sales Emails

Spending hours researching prospects and creating quality content go to waste if sent emails aren’t opened. If this is a recurring theme, your sales email subject lines could be the issue.

catchy subject lines for sales emails

First impressions count in email marketing. Your 60-character subject line can be the difference between a converted lead or another email sent to the junk folder.

Research suggests that 33% of prospects decide to open emails based on subject lines alone. But writing subject lines can be difficult. To help you in the process, we’ve curated a list of tested and proven subject lines that get clicks.

If you’re planning on starting sales email marketing campaigns, then this is the list for you. In this article we’ll discuss:

  • Effective subject line templates for sales emails.
  • The best practices for writing subject lines.
  • And how to better streamline your next campaigns.

29 Catchy Subject Lines for Sales Emails That Get Results

Effective email subject lines are brief, personalized, and offer value. They can also be used to create a sense of urgency or to solve a prospect's pain points.

Here are some examples of cold email subject lines you can use in your next campaign.

The Best Cold Email Subject Lines

If you’re looking for the right subject line for your prospect, here are some cold email subject lines to help you get started. Paired with an effective outreach email template, your emails will be ready to drive action in no time.

A {{benefit}} for the {{prospect's company}}

If you work for a well-known organization, this strategy will be a perfect match, but if not, make sure prospects can easily find you online. This where having good SEO and socials comes in handy.

This subject line makes it very apparent that you want to work with the prospect's company. If you go this route, make sure the email's main focus is on the benefits your services may offer to the prospect's business.

X suggestions/ideas for {{company issue}}

Researching deeper into a prospect’s company can help you identify critical issues that your service can solve. But don’t start with promoting them. Instead, offer suggestions and ideas of how they can do this themselves.

Providing this level of value can leave prospects coming back for more. This will keep you top of mind when they decide to move forward with a more efficient approach.

Experiencing difficulty with {{common pain point}}? You’re not alone.

Immediately addressing the prospect's pain points leads to more open emails. Within the body of your email, demonstrate empathy for the prospect's predicament and outline how you can provide a solution.

Questions regarding {{objective}}?

This topic line is purposefully unclear. It lets the prospect know that it’s relevant to a goal they have and pushes them to open the email to learn more.

Remember that in order to use this one effectively, you must have a deep familiarity with the prospect's motivations and challenges.

If you want to make it even more successful, you can customize the subject line by incorporating the prospect’s name or the name of their firm.

{{Mutual connection}} suggested I reach out

Having a mutual connection with a prospect significantly boosts an email’s open rate. Whether the prospect’s relationship with your mutual connection is good, bad, or in between, chances are they will open your email with this subject line. If you follow-up with a good email body (and your mutual connection is a good friend for all parties involved), then you will instantly build trust with this one.

First steps to fixing {{pain point}} right now

This demonstrates that you have thought through the prospect's problem and can offer a workable solution. By including "First steps," you pique their interest and increase the likelihood of getting your email clicked on.

A streamlined way to {{achieving the prospect's aim}}

This heading goes straight to the point. It works wonderfully for emails because you provide the prospect with an optimistic notion of reaching their goals right off the bat.

You should highlight the positive outcomes your product or service will have on your prospect or their business if you want to discuss it.

Follow-Up Email Subject Lines That Get Replies

email subject lines

After first-contact emails, a follow-up email is necessary to increase conversion rates.

Before sending follow-ups, give the recipient time to react to your initial emails. If you follow up too quickly, prospects might get irritated. If you’re certain that this isn’t an issue, here are also some follow-up email templates you can use.

A 3-step plan for your busy week

This follow-up email dives straight into your target customer's pain points and should include quick, practical ways to fix them this week.

{{Prospect}}, I think you’ll find these blogs interesting.

Including your prospect’s name in the email is great for personalization. Adding information in the subject line that prospects need is also a way to assess an unresponsive lead’s interest. After offering value, you can remind the prospect of your previous email and include a new CTA.

Here are the details I promised.

Always leave a conversation or other interaction with a potential customer or client with a few next actions and follow-up subjects in mind. This offers plenty of great opportunities to keep the conversation going and a reason for you to stay in touch.

Hoping to get comments on {{previous email topic/interaction with prospect}}.

It's important to stay top of mind after a demo or meeting with a prospect, so it's smart to inquire if there are any lingering questions or thoughts.

Our next steps

An easy way to pique interest in a follow-up email would be to include the above phrase. Don't forget that your email must contain more than simply a request for a call booking with the prospect.

{{Name}}, can we meet this week?

Directness and initiative might assist prospects who have time to chat but don't ask for a meeting. It can also show that your business is serious about providing a prospect with the quality services that they need. While this subject line is straightforward and often elicits an instant feeling of pushback, it does spike interest. The key after it gets opened is winning your prospect over with a great email body that addresses their situation.

Do you have {{time and date}} open?

If you want to meet with a potential client fast, you might try directly asking them to do so. If the time you provided through email doesn't work for the prospect, you should offer a couple of other periods they may pick from.

Hey {{Name}}, do you have any questions?

This one is geared toward the potential client by addressing them directly and seeking to know if they have any questions from your last point of contact.

If you utilize this method, encourage using communication channels you know your prospect is comfortable with to build a better connection and keep the conversation alive.

Attention-Grabbing Email Subject Lines After No Response

Despite having personalized subject lines and creating good content, prospects can miss out on opening your emails. Instead of getting stuck deciding whether or not to send another follow-up, here are subject lines that can help you get the ball rolling.

Still interested in {{Your company’s name}}?

This one prompts the prospect to remember your prior email and increases the likelihood that they'll open it, read it, and take some sort of action (respond, unsubscribe, etc.).

Permission to close your file?

The obligation is on the recipient of the email to take the next step forward. No matter what their response is, you'll know where they stand.

Ready to part ways?

This is the one to try if you've already made several unsuccessful attempts to contact your potential client. They will probably reply to this email if they are interested but honestly didn't have time to react before. If they are not interested, though, they can tell you bluntly or continue to not respond.

Have you changed your mind about {{Your company’s name}}

If a potential client rejects your offer or you just decide to stop following up with them, utilize this subject line. In case they decide to work with you or schedule a meeting, your email should provide contact information where they can easily reach you.

New discovery about {{Interesting topic/pain point}}

Establishing your credibility and getting the discussion going may be accomplished by providing the prospect with a useful tip or statistic regarding a topic that interests them. Use this email subject line to build intrigue when attempting to reconnect with a prospect that hasn’t responded.

If you ever change your mind

If a potential client rejects your offer or you just decide to cease following up with them, utilize this one. If they decide they no longer want to work with you or schedule a meeting, this email is similar to a business card that could be referred to in the future.

Top Meeting Request Email Subject Lines

Receiving a reply from prospects is great news! You’re one step closer to converting them into recurring clients. Here’s a list of templates you can use to request your next meeting.

Can we schedule a meeting on {{date and time}}?

Asking to schedule a meeting should be straightforward. Include the date and time you want to set the meeting. You can also say that you can adjust to a prospect’s most convenient time. Use this subject line if your prospect expects to have a meeting with you.

Are we meeting this week?

If you’re unsure if a client wants to have a follow-up meeting, you can ask them directly using this subject line. Prospects could just be busy with their week and haven’t responded. But if they’re not interested in your service, then you get to assess what to do next.

A good time to chat?

With this one, you may signal the possibility that you'd want to have a relaxed discussion. In a manner analogous to that of the previous heading, it facilitates the establishment of an atmosphere of relaxed productivity.

Meeting invitation {{Date}}

Removing context from your subject lines isn’t ideal, but it could encourage your prospects to open it to know more details. This largely depends on the client, what you know about them, and the level of formality they are used to.

Got 15 minutes to talk?

Everybody surely has 15 minutes of their time to spare. Whether it’s your first time emailing or following up, you can use this email effectively.

Got time to touch base?

This is another low-pressure approach to connecting with potential new clients or reviving dormant ones. So that your request doesn't seem completely out of the blue or like you're trying to trick them into meeting with you, you should have had some prior interaction with them.

{{Company A name}} + {{Company B name}}: {{Meeting date}}

Use this subject line when requesting a meeting with a prospect in a formal email. It achieves its aim in an appropriate manner while being succinct. Appointments with the C-suite or corporate clients usually go off without a hitch when done with the right protocols.

4 Best Practices for Writing Catchy Sales Email Subject Lines

Personalization and research should always be in your email marketing strategy. Some subject lines could fit better for some companies compared to others.

But as a rule of thumb, effective lines include the following:

Keep it Concise

Making short subject lines forces you to be direct. It also helps the visibility of your email. Most email users are on mobile. Chances are, your prospects use their mobile devices to check their emails as well.

Having a long subject line can overflow onto a second line. Worse, it could get cut off and be interpreted as something other than intended. Keeping your subject lines less than 40 – 60 characters will help avoid this.

Be Genuine

Your email reader should feel like you want to help them through your product or service.

Sales emails that offer immediate value are better compared to those that beat around the bush or are pushy.

email outreach campaigns

When your emails are sent with genuine intentions, you build longer-lasting relationships and have a better chance of getting to know what motivates your prospect to make a sale.

Always Personalize

A personalized subject line makes it more likely your emails will be opened and read. If an email is tailored for prospects, it can have higher open rates. Personalized subject lines and relevant content boost email engagement. Statistics suggest using this method can increase open rates by 26%.

Match the Tone

Avoid the conventional email marketing tone and formality. The casual language might make your email more inviting. On that note, if prospects reply more formally, you should follow suit and match their tone.

Key Takeaways

Email subject lines should be given as much importance as the body itself. It’s the first thing your prospects are going to see.

What you write could make the difference between a closed sale or another junked email. So before starting your email marketing campaigns, here are a few things to consider:

  • You can use subject line templates and personalize them to what you find suitable.
  • Subject lines should be short, concise, and optimized for mobile.
  • Avoid clickbait subject lines at all costs. This can lead to prospects marking your emails as spam
  • Utilize preview texts to see how your subject lines look when your receiver gets them.
  • Send your emails at the right time. According to data from Campaign Monitor, Monday has the highest email open rate at 22.0%.

Instantly helps you nail your subject lines, emails, marketing, and more with a suite of tools! Start your 14-day free trial today and see how the platform can help your campaigns. Click here to learn more!

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