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6 Essential Email Marketing Books for Fine-Tuning Your Strategy

The best email marketing books cover basic fundamentals all the way to technical optimizations and how to progress. Here are 7 books to look into in 2024.

email marketing books

Email marketing is constantly evolving. However, the fundamentals remain the same. One of the best places to learn these fundamentals is through email marketing books. 

Should you go for email copywriting, deliverability, or an email outreach book covering the basics? We’re here to help you narrow down those choices. In this article, we’ll be going over:

  • The best email marketing books to improve your campaigns
  • Why we love these books 
  • Actionable insights you’d want to apply immediately

The Best Email Marketing Books to Read This 2024

Below is a list of books with topics ranging from the fundamentals of copywriting to the technicals of email marketing. Find one that suits your needs best and read on yourself! 

Own Your Traffic: The Copywriter's Email Marketing Framework

email marketing framework

Let’s say you’ve got all the technical requirements of email marketing down but are still struggling to get conversions. The first thing we can look at is the email copy. 

Own Your Traffic by John Vishnesky is a book dedicated to improving just that. It discusses the foundations of excellent email copy, scaling copywriting, and advanced sales email techniques.

The tips aren’t just vague. You’ll see the exact subject lines that John uses, the email sequences he automates, and his flow when writing winning email copy. 

Email Marketing Rules: Checklists, Frameworks, and 150 Best Practices

email marketing rules

One of the best parts of Email Marketing Rules by Chad S. White is that it covers the importance of email deliverability and how to ensure high deliverability rates. 

Since the book covers email as a marketing channel, you get concepts akin to traditional digital marketing and how they apply to emails, such as topics on prospect sales cycles or key metrics. 

Although it doesn’t cover advanced email marketing topics such as deeper campaign optimizations, it’s enough to give any reader a great headstart and an actionable guide. 

Email Marketing That Doesn't Suck: Have Fun Writing Emails Your Subscribers Will Want to Read

email marketing sucks

Email copy doesn’t have to be boring and generic. As email marketers, we often limit our creativity to follow copywriting best practices, company standards, or industry norms. 

This often leads to emails looking like every other. Worse, we lose our brand identity while doing so. That’s where Bobby Klinck’s “Email Marketing That Doesn't Suck” comes in. 

The book helps readers rediscover their voice when writing emails, ensuring each subscriber gets value from newsletters or updates business owners want to write. 

The SaaS Email Marketing Playbook

the saas email marketing playbook

Étienne Garbugli’s Saas Email Marketing Playbook helps you fine-tune your marketing automation strategy for B2B SaaS to a science. 

If you’re not in SaaS, this book can still provide tons of value, especially if you want to learn how to build a cohesive email strategy. However, for all intents and purposes, the book was written with SaaS in mind. 

The book already assumes that readers will know about fundamental marketing. So, you should brush up on your email marketing terms before giving this a read. 

Readers can expect topics on improving customer retention, planning automated sequences, and email outreach campaign optimizations. You can even find specific scenarios where email marketing is used, such as cold email outreach and onboarding. 

Email Marketing Demystified (Third Edition)

email marketing demystified

Are you scared of starting from zero? Email Marketing Demystified’s author, Mattew Paulson, was in the same boat. He started from humble beginnings and used email marketing to become a multi-millionaire. Now, he’s using his book to help entrepreneurs do the same.

From the get-go, you’d know that Matt knows what he’s talking about because he details how to get out of Gmail’s Promotions tab—something many email marketers struggle with, especially with the new Google policy updates. 

Although the book takes a general approach to email marketing best practices, readers can still learn enough of the basics to start scaling their campaigns. That’s because the book includes list-building techniques, sales funnel optimizations, and persuasive email copy strategies

Email Persuasion: Captivate and Engage Your Audience, Build Authority, and Generate More Sales

email persuasion

Ian Brodie’s Email Persuasion book helps you create email strategies to understand your customers better. Think email nurturing techniques, uncovering unrealized needs, and, of course, email persuasion strategies. 

The book is also great for turning email list subscribers into paying customers and loyal patrons of your products/services. If you don’t know where to start with email marketing, Email Persuasion includes dozens of email examples and templates you can personalize. 

Some key insights from the book include building ICPs and buyer personas, outlining prospect motivations and their internal identities, and how to maximize your products’ perceived value. It also goes over how to address objections, building authority, and opt-in optimizations. 

Instantly Accelerator

instantly accelerator

Instantly Accelerator isn’t a book per se. However, it is a library of over ten years of email marketing knowledge, from starting a campaign to advanced optimizations. 

You’ll learn the basics of cold email marketing, copywriting, outreach campaign optimizations, and technical set-ups using 

If you want to start email marketing, especially cold outreach, understanding the technical setups is vital to successful campaigns. It ensures high deliverability, scalability, and protection against the potential adverse effects of email marketing.  

Key Takeaways

Email marketing books help lay the foundation required to create winning outreach campaigns. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or just about to launch your first email sequence, here are the books we recommend:

  • Instantly Accelerator: Best for learning everything from technical setups to advanced email campaign optimizations.
  • Own Your Traffic & Email Marketing that Doesn’t Suck: Best for crafting high-converting email copy that doesn’t compromise your brand voice or unique style. 
  • Email Marketing Demystified & Email Marketing Rules: Best for brushing up on the fundamentals of email marketing and its best practices. 
  • Email Persuasion and Saas Email Marketing Play Book: Best for honing in on your ICPs and Buyer Personas and creating campaigns tailored for them.

Email marketing books provide us with the necessary knowledge to create high-converting campaigns. All that’s left is execution. That’s where Instantly comes in. Start scaling your outreach today—Try out Instantly! 

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