Cold Email · · 6 min read

13 Essential Email Marketing Tips to Boost Open Rates

Email is still one of the most effective marketing tools out there, and is preferred by millions of businesses as a way to create meaningful relationships and grow their brand. Here are some top tips to help you do the same.

email marketing tips

With so much competition in people's inboxes, how can you make your emails stand out and get noticed? To ensure your emails get opened and that your customers fall in love with your brand, you need to create a strong email marketing strategy.

Email marketing is a great way to sell your products, improve your outreach campaigns with targeted content, make important announcements, and share your brand’s story. But how can you make sure it blends seamlessly with your current marketing efforts?

In this guide, we’ll share the best email marketing tips to help you get instant hits and clicks for your emails.

13 Email Marketing Tips to Quickly Boost Open and Click-Through Rates

Email marketing is a great way to reach new customers and grow your business. Optimizing your email strategies ensures that your messages get through to your audience and that they're interested in what you have to say. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your email marketing campaigns.

Email Personalization

Your email blasts might be chock-full of irrelevant offers, basic information errors, and inconsistent messaging, causing your audience to unsubscribe from your business. But when you segment your audience and send targeted content that meets their needs and preference, you can keep them engaged with your offers.

Get to know your customers using the data you have available, and personalize your email strategies for maximum engagement. To do this, you can:

  • Analyze your web and social media data to identify topics, products, services, and content that resonate the most with your target audience.
  • Create lead forms asking for important details to learn more information about your audience.
  • Maximize mail merge software and tools to automatically fill out basic customer information on your personalized emails.

Keep It Short and Simple

The last thing people want in their inbox is a wall of text about your company. Keep your emails short and sweet so prospects can understand your message quickly. Otherwise, you might get marked as spam!

When you're writing a short but sweet email, imagine you're talking to a friend. This can help you keep your paragraphs engaging and easy to read. Plus, working on your copywriting skills will ensure that your emails inspire action and drive engagement.

Pick the Best Times to Hit Send

You can't just pick one time and say that's the best time to send a marketing email; it all depends on your audience and what works for them. If you know your buyer persona, you can figure out what time of day is best to send an email.

Here are some helpful stats on ideal posting times and days to get you started:

  • The best time to post for entrepreneurs, digital marketers, and medium to large-scale brands is early Monday and Tuesday mornings, with optimal open times at 8 am.
  • For medium-sized brands in the advertising/marketing, travel, marketing, and leisure industries, Tuesdays have the highest open rates.
  • Wednesdays are the ideal posting days for the healthcare and food & beverage industries.
  • The education industry has higher open rates on Sundays.
  • Emails sent on any workday at around 4 pm get the highest order rates.
  • Emails sent at 10 am can get higher open rates but fewer orders compared to other times.

The best way to get people to open your emails is to send them before business peak hours and only during workdays!

Segment Your List

Email marketing can be fun when you segment your email list! You can create email marketing campaigns to reach new customers, announce promos and releases, and assist your audience in their buyer’s journey. Just be sure to set some ground rules when automating emails to get the best results.

Here are some ways to segment your list:

  • Create a mailing list sorted by location by identifying user demographics using your CRM.
  • Promote offers for both new and existing customers.
  • Track lead forms to determine where your prospects are in the funnel.
  • Send follow-up emails to inactive prospects.

Make Your Emails Mobile Friendly

Like most people, you probably spend a lot of time on your phone scrolling through apps, checking emails, and looking at social media. That's why ensuring your emails are optimized for mobile devices is essential — it could make a big difference in your open and click-through rates.

emails on mobile

What makes an email mobile-friendly?

  • Faster loading time for email and landing pages
  • Easy-to-read content
  • Clickable and visible buttons
  • Font and color schemes are visually appealing

A/B Test Your Emails

Before sending out your emails to your list, you should A/B test them to ensure you can do quality control. Try out various subject lines, body copy, email layout, the tone for your CTA, and visual elements to understand what works for your audience.

To perform an A/B test, simply send two versions of an email to two separate groups and monitor results. The one that performs the best is your winner!

When running an A/B test, try not to change everything at once. Pay attention to all the details and see what makes the biggest impact on your results.

Set Up Trigger Emails to Maximize Results

Do you know what's better than a trigger email? A trigger email with a little bit of personality! Instead of a generic follow-up, take the time to engage with your subscribers on a more personal level. This type of email will definitely increase your open rate!

To set up trigger emails, you can:

  • Send a feedback form for every completed order
  • Request a review of their previous purchase
  • Email periodic reminders when they have not proceeded to check-out
  • Send a welcome email to newly registered users

Include a Clear Call-To-Action

What do you want your readers to do after reading your email? A visible call-to-action (CTA) button can make your audience understand what they need to do next. A CTA button can also help your subscribers advance their buyer’s journey.

Make sure your CTA stands out! Place it somewhere relevant and easy to spot. A signup form leading to more resources or a tool to help solve their concerns are great options.

Preview and Test Your Emails Before Clicking Send

Before you hit "send" on your next email, check to make sure the content looks how you want it to. Testing your email on different devices will help you ensure it looks great from any audience's perspective. This should be your last step in the email review process.

Keep Close Track of Email Analytics

You're done crafting the perfect email, segmenting your email list, and rolling out your campaign. So, what's next? Tracking your email performance and analytics should be part of your sales engagement platform to see whether your campaign works.

You may see some results from your strategy this month, but don't be surprised if things look different next month. Monitor your metrics and adjust your strategy to ensure continued success.

email marketing

By playing around with your analytics, you can find ways to make your email campaign even more successful! Whether that means coming up with a better email copy or updating your contacts list, your data and analytics can help you test out different email marketing strategies and improve your campaign. By sending the right message to the right audience, you can increase your chances of getting those all-important open rates from your list.

Make Sure Your Emails Come From a Real Person

Users will trust you more when you send emails from a real person instead of a generic company email address. People are always on the lookout for spam, so they're more likely to open emails that seem more personal. While personalized email addresses are great, you can also try A/B testing different formats to see what works best for your audience.

Create an Organic Mailing List (Don’t Buy Email Addresses!)

Taking shortcuts might seem tempting, but it could do more harm than good for your business in the long run. For example, you could end up with a bunch of inactive email addresses or violate General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Plus, you won't get to know your audience as well as you could if you took the time to build genuine relationships.

Key Takeaways

Email marketing can be really helpful for your business in many ways you might not have thought of! You don’t need to be an expert to make the most of it. Understanding your audience is key to improving your strategy and achieving even higher email open and click-through rates.

When done right, email marketing can help your business:

  • Increase brand awareness and reach.
  • Advertise your products and services to an engaged audience.
  • Convert leads to customers.
  • Establish brand persona and identity.
  • Target segments of your audience with highly relevant content and offers.
  • Create a personal connection with your target audience.
  • Nurture your existing subscribers with the right content

Instantly can help you navigate all the above and save you countless hours with AI-powered outreach. Try a 14-day free trial and decide if our platform can help you turbocharge your email marketing.

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