Cold Email · · 5 min read

Create Better Campaigns: 7 Email Sequence Examples

Sales email sequence examples can help you create drip campaigns, automated follow-ups, or cold email nurturing templates. Here’s all you need to know.

email sequence examples

When is the perfect time to send an email? Is it after lunch? 8 AM? The answer depends on one crucial factor—user behavior. Instead of thinking about it in terms of time, we’re thinking about it in terms of action.

Did a prospect recently add an item to their cart but didn’t check out? Has a site visitor checked your pricing page several times? Is a lead’s free trial run about to expire? 

With the help of sales tracking systems, CRMs, and email marketing tools, businesses can set up an automated email sequence, drip campaign, or follow-up campaign. 

Unfortunately, it’s not plug-and-play. There’s still a bit of manual labor required to set everything up. We’re here to help you along the way! By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to learn:

  • The basics of an email sequence 
  • The importance of email sequences
  • Email sequence examples
  • How to set up your own email sequence/email automation campaigns 

What is an Email Sequence?

Email sequences are automated emails sent based on user behavior or actions. For example, if you just got a new subscriber to your newsletter—they could be placed in a welcome sequence. 

Day 1, the new subscriber could be sent a welcome email thanking them for joining. Day 2 could be an email with quick tips. Day 3 could be a survey on what content resonates with them best. 

The new subscriber could be sent to another email sequence depending on their answer. The best part is it’s all automated. 

Why is an Email Sequence Important?

Email sequences are great for engaging and nurturing leads. You can use it for various email marketing tactics, such as onboarding, renewals, or abandoned cart reminders. 

No matter the size, every business can implement an email sequence. Email sequences can help smaller businesses scale operations by automating repetitive manual labor. 

Larger businesses can grow sustainably, qualify leads faster, and have a better-segmented audience. But what exactly does an email sequence look like? 

Email Sequence Examples

There are several types of email sequences for a variety of scenarios. Here’s a look at the most common ones you’d encounter and use for your own business:

The Welcome Email Sequence

Welcome emails should be standard in all businesses. You must make a great first impression whenever you get a new email subscriber, client, or customer. 

Plus, welcome emails have the highest open rates among all types of emails. You have a big opportunity to promote, upsell, or forge stronger relationships here. Here is an example:

bdo pay app

After signing up for the new BDO pay app, they send you a welcome email with a few quick tips on navigating and using it. 

Renewal Email Sequence

Customers will often forget that the free trial or service they signed up for is about to expire. Renewal email sequences give a gentle reminder and a clear course of action they can take. 

cloudways email

Here, Cloudways sends a reminder that the free trial is about to end. They also use this email to showcase satisfied users' testimonials.

Just below the clear CTA, they also incorporated FOMO by saying, “Please note that after the trial expires, our automated system will delete your trial server.”

Abandoned Cart Email Sequence

Abandoned carts mean unrealized profits for your business. A simple reminder can nudge customers into making that final decision that could result in a sale. 

To improve the abandoned card sequence, include why the customer should go through with the purchase. Focus on your product or service's benefits—like in this example from WordPress. 

wordpress renewal

Nurturing Email Sequence

Nurture email sequences are great for engaging prospects and keeping your business top-of-mind. It’s built to provide value and relevant information to your audience. 

Here is a nurturing email sequence example from Rank Math. It started with a welcome email. Every two days, they send content related to beginner SEO tips. In the second week, they sent emails pitching an account upgrade and a discount. 

Re-engagement Email Sequence

Are email subscribers not responding? Are they even opening your emails? When your emails are ignored, it could affect your deliverability.

Worse, it could signal service providers that your emails are unimportant or spam. To avoid such issues, we segment unresponsive leads into re-engagement email sequences. 

grab email

In this example, Grab sent a “we miss you” email. It did more than try to re-engage. They included a link to unclaimed offers and discounts to incentivize using their app again. 

Event Email Sequence

Events are excellent for engaging with a wider demographic, finding new prospects, and providing value to your audience. But people can be forgetful.

Remind them with an event email sequence. However, this sequence serves more than just a reminder. It can be used to engage prospects post-event or to invite people to an upcoming one.

maven email marketing

Follow-up Email Sequence

Email follow-ups can be used in dozens of ways. Some might not even be related to sales. Let’s take this example from Instantly user Teodora PI, who used Instantly to solve her problems with 

Sometimes, we need to take matters into our own hands. So, if you’ve ever encountered long delays for an order, request, or paperwork, launch a follow-up campaign with Instantly.

Key Takeaways

Email sequences are some of the most important tools of any marketer. It automates and streamlines nurturing, business communications, or follow-ups.

To ensure a successful email sequencing campaign, be sure to follow these best practices:

  • Always warm up email-sending accounts to ensure the highest deliverability rates.
  • Send follow-ups based on user behavior.
  • Segment prospects first before launching an email sequence campaign (you don’t want leads from re-engagement campaigns on a welcome email). 
  • Track key performance indicators to ensure your email sequences are hitting their goals. 
  • Utilize an email marketing tool to automate email sequences at scale. 

You get all of these and much more with! Users get unlimited email warmups, unlimited sending accounts, and access to hundreds of email templates for all business needs.

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