Cold Email · · 7 min read

Influencer Outreach Email Templates That Get Replies

An influencer outreach email template can help you get more replies from the influencers you want for your next marketing campaign.

influencer outreach email templates

The right influencers bring immense value to any business. They can help you reach a wider audience, boost conversion rates, and help build authority in your space. 

All we need to do is reach out. You can send a DM, reply on an X thread, or make a comment on Instagram. Still, reaching out through email is arguably the best approach. 

It’s professional, direct, and, more importantly—you can do outreach at scale. But what exactly do we say in our emails? That’s what we’re here to help with today! We’ll be going over: 

  • Influencer outreach email templates
  • Tools needed to run successful influencer outreach campaigns
  • Best practices to follow 

Influencer Outreach Email Templates That Get Replies

influencer marketing

Email is one of the most effective ways of reaching out to influencers because it can be automated and scaled with the help of email marketing software and templates. 

You can take it one step further and use spintax to create variations of influencer outreach email templates. So, without further ado, here are X email templates to send to influencers this 2024:

We Want to Collaborate Email Template

If you like what you see from an influencer, be direct and ask if they want to collaborate. Remember to personalize your emails, do a quick introduction, and finish with a solid CTA. 

Subject line: {{name}}, loving the content on {{platform}}, we got to collab. 

Hey, {{name}},
I’m {{your name}}, {{position}} at {{company}}. We’re fans of what you’re doing on {{platform}}. Your content on {{topic}} really resonates with us and our audience. 
{{company}} is a brand focusing on {{unique selling point}} (insert quick description of your products/services). I think we both share a passion for {{thing that aligns with your brand and their content}}. So, we wanted to see if you were open to a collaboration. 
We attached a collaboration proposal for you to check out. We can schedule a meeting to discuss it further if you're interested. 
Thanks in advance, 
{{your name}}

Free Product Sample Email Template

Everybody loves getting stuff for free. It’s also a great way of getting influencers interested in collaborating with your brand.

Influencers who get free samples can post about them on their platforms. But, it's likely that most would still need compensation, which is nothing but fair. So, clearly define your intent in your proposal. Here’s an example you can follow: 

Subject line: {{name}}, we have something you’ll love! 

Hey, {{name}}, 
My name is {{your name}} from {{your brand}}. We’ve recently found your page and love your content on {{topic}}. (Add something specific about what you like most about their content).
I think you’d be a perfect partner for {{your brand}}. We see how passionate you are about {{topic}}, and we are too! That’s why we’d love to send you a sample of our {{product}}. 
Our team created {{product}} specifically for {{topic}}, and we’ll continue working hard on improving it, and we’d love your honest feedback.
We attached a proposal for you to check out. Would you like to schedule a meeting next week to discuss your rates or other requests? 
Thanks in advance,
{{your name}}

Event Invite Outreach Template

Webinars, podcasts, or any event that combines your audience and an influencer’s create a win-win situation for all parties.

But when influencers don’t know your brand, you can leverage something like BIMI to help your email stand out above the fold. 

Subject line: {{your brand}} invites you to {{webinar/podcast/event}} 

Hey, {{name}},
I’m {{your name}} from {{brand}}. We think you’re one of the best content creators out there that focus on {{topic}}. Love your recent video on {{recent upload}}. 
{{your brand}} and yourself share many of the same passions. We’d be honored for a chance to collaborate. We’re hosting a webinar next month on {{topic}}, and we’d love to have you as a guest. 
We’ll be talking about:
{{topic 1}}
{{topic 2}}
{{topic 3}}
{{brand}} is also giving away freebies for lucky viewers. I’m sure you’re audience would also enjoy the new insights and the giveaways. 
Send us a reply if you’re interested! We can discuss your rates or any specific requests you have in mind. Hope to hear from you soon! 
Best regard,
{{your name}}

Being an influencer takes a lot of time and resources. It’s only fitting that influencers get the compensation they deserve. Make this clear with a sponsored content request email template. 

The best thing about sponsored content is that brands have a say regarding how their product/service gets portrayed. If you want to get sponsored content, try out this template:

Subject line: Sponsor content request from {{your brand}}

Hey, {{name}}
I’m {{your name}}, {{position}} from {{your brand}}. I personally love your insight on {{topic}}. (add a short blurb about a specific video/post). 
{{your brand}} also focuses on creating products to help {{industry}} with {{topic}}, and we’d love to get a sponsored post from you.
I feel like your audience, branding, and content mesh perfectly with ours. Send us a reply if you’re interested! We can schedule a meeting ASAP to cover everything in our proposal. 
Hoping to hear from you soon!
Thanks in advance, 
{{your name}}

Brand Ambassador Email Template

Getting an influencer to become a brand ambassador creates consistency in your marketing. It creates a sense that the influencer genuinely trusts and loves your brand. 

They can share their positive experience, attract new customers for your business, and help retain existing ones through social proof.  

Subject line: {{name}}, {{your brand}} is looking for brand ambassadors

Hey, {{name}}, 
My name is {{your name}}, {{position}}, from {{your brand}}. We’re a {{insert short snippet of brand mission/vision/goals}}. 
As part of our {{campaign name}}, {{your brand}} is looking for talented and passionate creators to become ambassadors for our company. We think you’d be a perfect fit. 
We see how passionate you are about {{topic}}, and we’d love to be a part of your growth. We attached a quick rundown of our proposal to this email if you're interested. 
Would you like to schedule a meeting to discuss the proposal in more detail this week? 
Hoping to hear from you soon!
Best regards,
{{your name}}

Affiliate Program Outreach Template

Affiliate programs are a win-win for both influencers and your brand. They promote your product and get compensation based on the people who buy from their channels. 

Subject line: {{name}}, {{your brand}} is looking for affiliate partners

Hey there, {{name}},
I’m {{your name}} from {{your brand}}, a company specializing in {{products/services}}. We’re huge fans of your work, especially your recent posts on {{insert specific thing you like about their recent uploads}}. 
I truly believe that your passions align with ours. So, I’m reaching out to invite you to our affiliate program. We’re looking for creators with {{attribute 1, attribute 2, and attribute 3}}. You’re a perfect fit. 
We’re offering an affiliate commission of {{X%}} per conversion for selling {{product}}, {{short description about your product}}. 
If you are interested and would like to know more, we can schedule a meeting at your convenience. Hoping for your response! 
Best regards,
{{your name}}

Influencer Giveaway Template  

Giveaways are a great opportunity for community engagement for your audience and the influencers you partner with. Reach out using this template. 

Subject line: {{name}}, would you like to partner for our giveaway? 

Hey, {{name}}, 
I’m {{your name}}, from {{brand}}, a company specializing in {{products/services}}. We’ve been loving your content on {{topic}}, and our passions and values align. 
On {{date}}, {{your brand}} will be hosting a giveaway to celebrate our {{milestone}}. We’d love for a chance to partner with you.
I think your audience would love {{your product}} as it {{insert benefits/USP}}. We’d be happy to send over some samples for you to try and a gift package as well. 
If this is something you’re interested in, our team would love to have a chance to meet with you at your convenience. Hoping for your response! 
Thanks in advance, 
{{your name}}

Tools Needed to Run Influencer Outreach Campaigns

influencer outreach campaigns

You can run outreach emails with any email provider. But if you want to scale, you need the right email marketing tools to help you automate personalization and follow-ups—that’s where Instantly comes in. 

Before contacting an influencer, you’d need to find them using lead finder tools

Once you’ve built an email list of influencers, Instantly can help you automate influencer outreach campaigns with just a few clicks!

Then, you can track your campaign's progress and the status of each influencer with Instantly’s Dealflow CRM. 

Key Takeaways

Influencers bring a ton of value to any business. The best part is there are thousands upon thousands of influencers you can reach out to. You just need the right tools to do so. 

But before you send your email, make sure you’re following these best practices:

  • Use spintax to create variations of good influencer outreach email templates
  • Keep your email copy concise and direct
  • Always use an actionable CTA
  • And focus on personalization, especially for high-value influencers
  • Leverage email marketing software to automate outreach campaigns 

Instantly is your partner for everything cold outreach! With its built-in spintax tools, community templates, and accelerator programs, you’ll find the right influencers to partner with in record time! Try Instantly today

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