Cold Email · · 7 min read

The 15 Best Sales Email Subject Lines That Get Responses

Keen to get your emails noticed and responded to you? You need to nail everything, especially your sales email subject lines. We share top tips and examples.

sales email subject lines

Email marketing can be an incredibly effective way to drive sales and engage with your customers. However, getting people to open your emails is the first obstacle you must overcome. The subject line is the first thing your recipients will see, and it can make or break whether your email is read or ignored.

In this article, we'll share the 15 best sales email subject lines that are proven to get responses to your outreach email marketing, so you can start seeing more engagement and, ultimately, more sales.

  • The Art Of The Perfect Sales Email Subject Line
  • 15 Sales Email Subject Lines By Category

Whether you're an experienced marketer or just starting out, you're sure to find some inspiration and ideas to try in your own campaigns.

The Art and Science Of The Perfect Sales Email Subject Line

Creating the ideal sales email subject line is an art as well as a science. Finding the right formula that will resonate with your audience and inspire them to take action requires a delicate balance of creativity, strategy, and data analysis. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, there are some tried-and-true techniques and best practices that can help you succeed. It's also worth remembering that what works well for one business and its specific audience won't necessarily work for another.

In this section, we'll delve into the art of writing the perfect sales email subject line, as well as share some practical tips to help you write compelling subject lines that drive opens, clicks, and conversions.


Personalization is an important aspect of email marketing that can significantly impact the success of your sales emails. Personalization can help your emails stand out in a crowded inbox and increase open rates when it comes to subject lines. Here are some pointers to help you use personalization in your sales email subject lines more effectively:

  1. Use the recipient's name: Using the recipient's name in the subject line can make your emails feel more personalized and engaging. It's a simple but effective way to pique their interest and persuade them to open your email. Using the right email tool that comes complete with merge tags is a great way to do this at scale.
  2. Segment your audience: Personalization entails more than simply using someone's name (although that is a good start). You can create more relevant and targeted subject lines by segmenting your audience based on their interests, behavior, or location. For example, if you're advertising a winter clothing sale, you could create different subject lines for customers in different regions, emphasizing the winter weather in their area.
  3. Use dynamic content: Subject lines with dynamic content change based on the recipient's behavior or preferences. You could send an email with the subject line "Jennifer, we have a new product you might like," and then personalize the product based on what Jennifer has previously purchased or viewed on your website.


Less is often more when it comes to sales email subject lines. Your subject line should be brief and to the point, emphasizing the value or benefit of your email without overwhelming your recipients. Here are some pointers to help you write effective subject lines:

  1. Keep it short: Aim for subject lines of 50 characters or less in general. This not only makes your subject line easier to read but also ensures that it displays properly on the majority of mobile devices.
  2. Mix up your approach: Don't be afraid to try different ideas to see what works best for your target audience. You could experiment with emojis, questions, or humor in your subject lines to see how your audience reacts.

Grab Their Attention

With the average person receiving dozens, if not hundreds, of emails per day, capturing their attention from the subject line is critical. Your subject line should be appealing, intriguing, and memorable, and should entice your recipients to open your email. Using powerful words or emotional triggers that resonate with your audience, such as "limited time," "exclusive offer," or "new release," is one effective way to accomplish this.

Another strategy is to build a sense of urgency or scarcity by employing phrases such as "last chance" or "going fast." By grabbing your recipients' attention and piquing their curiosity, you can increase the chances of your emails being opened and read and ultimately drive more conversions and revenue.

Always Deliver Value

While it's important that you capture your recipients' attention with your subject line, it's also important to follow through on your promise and provide real value in your email content. Your subject line should accurately reflect the content of your email and offer something useful, interesting, or relevant to your recipients. That could come in all sorts of forms. You might share a special offer, the release of a new product, a useful resource, sharing valuable insights, or tips.

By consistently providing value in your emails, you can gain your audience's trust and build your business’s credibility, increasing the likelihood that your audience will become loyal customers. By providing value upfront, you can increase the likelihood of your recipients sharing your content or forwarding your email to others. That will organically broaden your reach and grow your customer base.

Don’t Resort To Clickbait

Clickbait subject lines are those that make exaggerated or misleading claims in order to entice recipients to open the email. However, these tactics can quickly erode your credibility and cause your subscribers to lose trust in you. Instead, concentrate on writing subject lines that accurately represent the value and benefit of your email while not making false or exaggerated promises.

Use Preheader Text

In addition to crafting a compelling subject line, another important element of a successful sales email is the preheader text. The preheader text is a brief preview of the email's content that appears in the recipient's inbox after the subject line. This text can be an effective tool for enticing recipients to open your email by providing a preview of what's inside.

Make sure your preheader text complements your subject line and adds context to the message. You can also use it to reinforce your email's value proposition or to include a call-to-action that encourages recipients to take action.

15 Sales Email Subject Lines By Category

Now that we've covered the essential components of a successful sales email subject line, let's look at some examples to get you started on your next campaign. 15 sales email subject lines are organized below by category, ranging from cold email outreach to no response to minimalist and more.

Use these examples as a starting point to craft subject lines that resonate with your audience and drive engagement and conversions. Keep referring back to the tips above and soon you'll be crafting sales email subject lines that convert!

Cold Email Outreach Subject Lines

"Quick question about {{topic or pain point}}"

This subject line is effective because it piques the recipient's interest without being overly salesy. By framing the email as a question, the recipient is also invited to engage in a conversation rather than feeling sold to.

"Idea for {{benefit or solution}}"

This subject line highlights the value proposition of your email and shows that you've done your research on the recipient's business or industry. It can be especially effective if you offer an unusual or creative solution to a problem that lots of people face on a regular basis.

"Connection request from {{your name or company}}"

Straightforward and simple, but also a powerful way to connect. Using your name establishes your brand immediately and increases familiarity with the recipient.

"Can I help with {{pain point or goal}}?"

The reverse sales pitch, this subject line focuses on the recipient's needs and offers to provide value. Position yourself as a helpful resource, and you increase your chances of gaining the recipient's trust and credibility.

"Introducing {{product or service}}"

This subject line is ideal for introducing your audience to a new product or service. It is concise and to the point, emphasizing the main benefit or value proposition of your offering.

Following Up Subject Lines

"Can I help with anything else?"

Rather than pushing for a sale, this subject line focuses on providing value and support. It shows that you are genuinely invested in the recipient's success and that you’re ready to assist in any way you can.

This subject line is ideal for following up with new or updated information that the recipient may be interested in. It demonstrates that you know what you’re talking about and are staying focused on their industry or needs, which can help build credibility and trust.

"Sorry to be a pain, but I wanted to check in on {{topic or project}}"

This subject line is a little playful and self-deprecating, but it can be effective for breaking the ice and re-engaging a cold conversation. It also demonstrates that you respect the recipient's time and are not trying to be too pushy.

No Response Subject Lines

"Is this still a priority for you?"

The aim here is to re-engage the recipient and remind them of the importance of the previous conversation. If you’re in a situation where you've lost their attention or need to persuade them to act, then this is a great line to use.

"Can we chat for 5 minutes?"

Keeping things friendly and conversational, this subject line can be effective at breaking through the recipient's busy schedule and getting them to interact with you. Remember you’ve only asked for 5 minutes, so keep the conversation focused and brief.

"You're missing out on {{benefit or opportunity}}"

A little more aggressive than other options. This subject line can be useful in situations where you want to create a sense of urgency and encourage the recipient to act. If you’re going to use it, be absolutely sure that they will benefit from what you’re offering.

Minimalist Subject Lines

"Quick question"

Concise, to the point, with a sense of urgency. People are far more likely to open emails that they think will only take a moment to respond to.


About as minimalist as it gets, this subject line is great if you’re dealing with a client with very little time. Keep the email content short and concise too.


Using open-ended questions is a great way to build a dialogue. The subject line invites the recipient to engage or share feedback with you. It also provides a great starting position for a fresh conversation.

"Meeting request"

This subject line is direct and to the point, and it can be effective for requesting a meeting or further discussion. In the body of the email, include information about the meeting topic and your availability.

Key Takeaways

Effective sales email subject lines are essential for getting your message noticed and eliciting the desired response. You can create subject lines that capture attention and drive results for your sales efforts if you keep these tips in mind and use the examples provided. Remember that the subject line is your first chance to make an impression, so make the most of it!

  • Regularly refer back to the tips near the start of this article to keep your subject lines on point.
  • When using the examples provided, don’t just copy and paste them; instead, make them your own.

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