Cold Email · · 9 min read

The 7 Best Apollo Alternatives of 2023

Maybe you’ve tried it, and now you’re looking for a set of Apollo alternatives, if so this is the list for you. Here are the 7 best email finders on the market.

best apollo alternative

Emailing the correct recipient can be the difference between starting a valuable conversation or the email being sent to junk. If you’re sending cold emails you absolutely need to be sending them to the right person. With dozens of emails landing in the average inbox every day, you need to give yours the best shot at being read by the right person.

There are plenty of ways to find email addresses manually, but the discerning business owner or salesperson knows that this isn’t time well spent. Instead, the best option is to use a powerful email-finding tool. Apollo is often seen to be the market leader in this field but it isn’t for everyone. Many people look for Apollo alternatives.

In this article, we’ll explore a whole host of email finder tools. We’ll look at each and share their key features, who the tool is best suited to, and the pricing if available.

  • Instantly
  • Hunter
  • Voila Norbert
  • Clearbit Connect
  • Find That Email
  • Adapt
  • ZoomInfo


b2b lead finder

Instantly's B2B Lead Finder is a powerful tool that swiftly identifies and validates target leads anywhere in the world. With unbeatable AI-powered workflows and an extensive database of over 80 million contacts, effortlessly discovering potential leads has never been easier. Refine your search by applying filters based on job positions and relevant keywords to pinpoint the exact contacts you need.

Conveniently export up to 1000 leads per month with our Growth Leads package, or upgrade to 10,000 leads per month with our Hyperleads package. Need even more? Explore our range of add-ons to unlock additional capabilities. Start connecting with more qualified leads by leveraging the remarkable capabilities of Instantly's B2B Lead Finder.

Key Features:

  • Massive Database
  • Auto Lead Verification
  • Email campaign sequencing
  • Email Warm-up

Best Suited To:

  • B2B focused marketers
  • Startups
  • Sales teams


  • $47/mo for Growth Leads and $197/mo for Hyperleads.


Where Apollo offers some CRM-style features, Hunter is an email finder tool. Search under any domain you like and Hunter will do its best to find associated email addresses. It really is simple and easy to use.

Hunter also boasts a powerful email verification tool, aptly named “Email Verifier.” Once you’ve found an email address, Hunter gives it a deliverability assessment and lets you know how likely it is that the email will be successfully delivered. To make this as easy to understand as possible, Hunter grades each email address. This means you’re able to gauge viability at a glance.

Hunter does also offer an email campaign option so that you can send cold email marketing campaigns from within the system. You might be better off using their wide list of integrations and connecting to a bona fide email marketing tool.

Key Features:

  • Domain search
  • Email verification
  • Email finder
  • Email campaigns

Best Suited To:

  • SMEs
  • Startups
  • Marketing professionals


  • The free plan that Hunter offers limits your searches to 25 a month with 50 verifications, it’s a good place to start but you’ll quickly find the limitations hold you back.
  • Paid accounts start from $49 a month at the starter level, and increase up to the business level where $499 a month gets you 50,000 monthly searches across 20 accounts. is another tool on our list that offers considerably more than just email finding. It markets itself as a whole sales toolbox combined with a complete CRM platform. This might appeal if you’re considering a tool that needs to do more than simply find emails for you.

It offers the usual email finder, verification, and email campaign tools that we’ve come to expect from this list but also includes a full sales CRM, email warmup, and an unusual technology checker. The latter allows you to investigate what tech stack your prospects are using. This is particularly useful information if you’re trying to market your product against their current one.

There are also a host of Chrome extensions. The most popular of which is the LinkedIn Prospect Finder. This extension allows you to collect and store contact information straight from LinkedIn. There’s also an email finder extension, plus a handy email tracker that plugs into Gmail.

Key Features:

  • Email finder
  • Email drip campaigns
  • Email warm-up
  • Email verification
  • Sales CRM
  • Technology Checker
  • Selection of Chrome extensions
  • Over 5,000 integrations

Best Suited To:

  • Sales teams
  • Recruiters
  • Digital marketing professionals


  • The free-level plan of is supposed to act as a trial but does include the majority of core features. Paid plans start at $30 and increase on variable rates until you hit the managed service, which starts at $2,999 a month.

Voila Norbert

Voila Norbert Alternative

This tool is one that serves a core purpose, finding emails. Voila Norbert says that it can find anyone’s email address, and that’s exactly what it aims to do. It’s a simple and efficient tool that can deliver email addresses quickly and accurately.

A core difference between Voila Norbert and its competitors is the pay-as-you-go pricing model that it offers for email verification. Rather than a fixed amount of credits depending on your level of payment, Voila Norbert only charges you for what you use. That certainly makes it appealing to companies with smaller budgets or those carefully watching the purse strings.

You can search for individual emails if you have a specific prospect that you’re searching for, or you can use the bulk email search facility. Whichever you choose, once you’ve got the emails that you require the validation feature ensures that your email has the highest chance of deliverability.

If you’re a business that has your own systems in place, making use of the API can seamlessly integrate Voila Norbert with your existing stack.

Key Features:

  • Email verification
  • Bulk email search
  • API option

Best Suited To:

  • Budget-conscious businesses
  • Those interested in PAYG models
  • Startups


  • Email prospecting starts from $49 a month for 1000 leads and increases from there. Email verification of those 1000 leads would cost you only $3. The enrichment option for 1000 emails would cost $40. Each of the PAYG models gets more affordable when working at a higher volume.

Clearbit Connect

ClearbitConnect Alternatives

Clearbit Connect is our first exclusive Chrome extension. The umbrella business, Clearbit, offers a wide range of solutions including ad targeting, form optimization, data enrichment, and even a ChatGPT plugin. In this instance, we’re focusing on Clearbit Connect. Simply install the plugin and you can begin searching for emails.

The Chrome extension functionality extends to your Gmail inbox, delivering information about your contacts, real-time information, and enrichment data such as the person’s job title, social links, and company details.

As with our previous entry, developers are able to access the Clearbit Connect API for seamless integrations. That said, the platform is certainly aimed at those using Gmail as their inbox of choice.

It’s also of note that Clearbit Connect is completely free for up to 100 searches a month. You can’t earn any further credits beyond that as Clearbit would like you to sign up for Clearbit Capture which includes this functionality.

Key Features:

  • Easy Chrome installation
  • Gmail plugin
  • API integration
  • Data Enrichment

Best Suited To:

  • Heavy Gmail users


  • As mentioned above, the extension is completely free. If you were to graduate to a paid plan for the larger Clearbit Capture suite, there appear to be free and paid options available. At the time of writing it was unclear if the email finder functionality was included in the free plan. Clearbit only provides pricing information following a demonstration with a sales representative.

Find That Email

Find that email alternative

It’s clear from their branding and voice that Find That Email is no-nonsense. They don’t have a flashy website, nor do they add many bells and whistles to their tool. This is a simple email finder that aims to be easy to use.

You have the option to find an email by name or find a name by email. Once you’ve completed those actions you can save results to a clipboard to use later. This process is all completed from within a Chrome extension, making it easy to get going quickly.

There’s also only 1 pricing option, and at €19 a month, this isn’t going to break the bank. For that price, you get an unlimited number of emails and names, plus a search in bulk feature and customer support. Compare this to some of the other options in this list and you’d be forgiven for thinking this is an affordable option.

What we don’t know, however, is the breadth and depth of Find That Email’s database. That said, they claim to find 9 out of 10 emails.

Key Features:

  • Email search
  • Chrome extension

Best Suited To:

  • Simplicity-first companies
  • Startups
  • Budget-conscious businesses


  • €19 a month gets you unlimited searching. There is a trial version that offers 10 monthly emails or find the name associated with a given email. It’s also worth noting that there’s a 30-day money-back guarantee available.


Adapt positions itself as a few steps above a simple email finder. They are a provider of B2B contact data for sales and marketing teams. If you’re looking for serious insight rather than just an email address, Adapt might be a choice for you.

It has a huge database that comprises millions of contacts within millions of companies. They also have data that can be leveraged by sales and marketing teams to better enrich their campaigns. There’s a tool to use, as well as a Chrome extension and integration with the CRM system. If you’re already a user of the most popular CRM systems, you’ll likely find a simple integration.

It’s telling that Adapt features a comparison list on their website for major lead platforms including Apollo and Zoominfo.

Key Features:

  • Contact database
  • Chrome extension
  • CRM integration

Best Suited To:

  • B2B companies with dedicated sales and marketing teams


  • There is no pricing information available on Adapt’s website. Instead, interested parties must get a quote via a contact form that requests information such as your contact details, how many contacts you need a month, and your role within your company.


ZoomInfo Alternative

Another option that is so much more than a simple email finder. ZoomInfo has a vast database that includes comprehensive B2B information on millions of contacts. It then offers a whole suite of additional features that aim to accelerate sales and marketing efforts.

Each returned prospect includes AI-powered sales insights. That means that each prospect comes with actionable steps that help your team take the next steps. This is achieved through a dedicated machine learning algorithm. It’ll even give you a likelihood of that contact engaging with you.

The Scoops feature is a fascinating option if you want to stay abreast of what’s happening within a particular company. It essentially creates a newsfeed of that business. Sharing organizational movers and changes plus information on their website visitors.

It’s certainly a compelling choice for those looking for serious information on their prospects, with serious pricing to match.

Key Features:

  • Contact database
  • Chrome extension
  • CRM integration

Best Suited To:

  • B2B companies with dedicated sales and marketing teams


  • There is no freely available pricing information. That’s only available if you select one of ZoomInfo’s OS options. SalesOS, MarketingOS, or TalentOS. A search on Google explained that ZoomInfo doesn’t offer monthly plans, only annual plans. These annual plans start from $11,995 a year for 5,000 credits.

Key Takeaways

Picking the right email finder tool can have a significant impact on your business. Get it right, and your cold email outreach could quickly explode. There are plenty of options for every budget; you just need to spend time with some and decide which is the best fit for you and your team.

  • Leverage the free trials before committing to a particular product.
  • Make sure to integrate it with your existing tech stack for the best results.
  • Each email is an opportunity to begin a new cold email campaign in your email outreach tool.

Now that you know where to get the emails from, it’s time to launch a successful cold email campaign. To do that, you’ll need an efficient and effective email marketing tool. That’s exactly what you’ll get with Instantly— get started today for free.

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Instantly scales your outreach campaigns with unlimited email sending accounts, email warmup, B2B lead database and generative AI