We send business proposal emails to prospects ready to take the last steps toward a purchase or conversion. These emails must be concise, persuasive, and actionable.
It can be used for cold email outreach, getting capital from investors, or proposing a new project to your boss. Whatever it’s for, the fundamentals stay the same.
So, stick around if you want to write persuasive business proposal emails. In this article, we’ll be looking into:
- The basics of a business proposal email
- How to write a business proposal email
- Examples of high-converting business proposal emails
What is a Business Proposal Email?
If we want something, we have to ask for it. But what’s in it for the people we’re asking from? That’s where our business proposal emails come in.
It’s a way to show our unique value propositions in a medium that follows proper business etiquette. Here’s a quick rundown of what to include in your proposal emails:
- Engaging introduction
- Definition of a problem and how it affects prospects
- A desirable outcome
- Presenting yourself as the solution
- How to take the next steps
To elaborate further, let’s examine the step-by-step process of writing a high-converting business proposal email.
How to Write a Business Proposal Email
The best proposal emails answer prospects' needs and those with questions that qualify if a prospect is a good fit. Here is an email format you can follow that does just that:
Business Proposal Subject Lines
Subject lines for business proposals can be formal or informal. Gauge your prospects or try A/B testing emails to see what works best in your niche.
As a general rule, keep subject lines concise. Make it relevant and personalized. If you’re sending a cold business proposal email, ensure it's engaging. Here are some examples:
- Business proposal from {{your company}}
- We can do {{task prospects need done}}
- You got {{service}}, I have {{your service}}, let’s talk
- Still using {{traditional solution}} for {{pain point}}
- {{first name}}, looking for {{your service}}?
Email Introduction and Opening Lines
A solid email introduction and opening line make for a great first impression. This is where you want to build rapport and present your value proposition.
Consider using email icebreakers, but keep them relevant. You can discuss common pain points, how they affect your prospects, and the result prospects get when resolved.
Unique Value Proposition or Proposal
When presenting your proposal or unique value proposition, focus on the benefits. Consider wording such as, “We can cut overhead costs by x percent.”
Think of your prospects' goals as well. Craft your proposal around their needs and ask relevant questions to see if working with them makes sense.
Call-to-Action (CTA)
In most cases, a business proposal CTA asks for a meeting, a quote, or further resources to help prospects make an informed decision. For example, you can say: “If this interests you, we can send a quote.”
Business Proposal Email Examples

To help you get started, here are five business proposal email examples from different types of proposals. Take what resonates, adjust it to fit your needs, and make it your own.
Cold Sales Business Proposal Email
Cold outreach is one of the fastest and most cost-effective ways to scale your business. Use engaging subject lines, personalize the email, showcase authority, and highlight benefits.
Subject line: {{first name}}, having issues scaling your business?
Hey, {{first name}},
I’m {{your name}}, {{position}}, from {{your company}}. We do {{unique selling position}}.
If you’re like the {{industry}} companies we’ve worked with, you might also be facing {{pain point}}. Many of our clients struggled to solve {{pain point}}, leading to scaling issues.
Our services help eliminate {{pain point}}, resulting in {{benefit 1}}, {{benefit 2}}, and {{benefit 3}} for our clients. We can do the same for {{prospect’s company}}.
I’d love to learn more about your day-to-day operations, so our team can provide a more in-depth strategic plan for your business. Would you be interested in this?
{{your name}}
Classic Business Proposal Email
When in doubt, go back to the tried and true. A classic proposal email works for most business communication needs. It’s straight to the point and follows a robust format. Here’s an example:
Subject line: Business proposal from {{your company}}
Hello {{first name}}!
I’m your name, from the company. Thank you for meeting with the team last week. We’ve had enough time to brainstorm and develop this business proposal. Here’s a quick overview.
{{your company}} can help your streamline {{service}}, save costs on {{operations}} by up to {{percentage}}, all for a monthly retainer fee of {{price}}.
We’ve attached the entire document for you to review with your team. Feel free to message us anytime if you have any objections or requests.
If there aren’t any issues, we can proceed to formalize our agreement.
Thanks in advance,
{{your name}}
Quotation Proposal Email
A common objection, even from prospects with high-buying intent, is the price of a product or service. Sending a quotation proposal helps with negotiations and helps address this objection.
Subject line: Quotation proposal from {{your company}}
Hey, {{first name}},
Thanks for taking the time to discuss your business requirements with our team. We understand that budget is one of your biggest concerns, and we’re happy to say we can help.
Based on our projections, we can save you up to {{percentage}} on {{service}}. Our model can offer these competitive prices because {{unique selling point}}.
We’ve attached a detailed quotation proposal that covers our services for your team to review. We look forward to hearing from you soon. If you have any objections or concerns, please message us anytime.
Thanks in advance,
{{your name}}
Project Proposal Email to Your Boss/Superior
Great ideas shouldn’t be overlooked. If you have an idea for a project for your company, send a proposal email to your boss or superiors.
Subject line: Proposal for {{idea you want to pitch}}
I’ve been working as {{position}} for {{number of years}} now and noticed that we always spend a lot on {{task}}. I got a solid and systemized plan to help us cut costs and be more efficient.
I propose that we implement {{your proposal}}. I’d love to discuss this further with you and {{relevant stakeholders}}. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
{{your name}}
Partnership Proposal Email
One of the biggest assets of every business is the relationships and the networks they’ve built over time. Strike a win-win partnership with this proposal email example:
Subject line: Partnership proposal for {{prospect’s company}}
Hey, {{first name}},
A good friend of mine recently forwarded your {{recent content}} on {{topic}}. It was amazing. I related to a lot of what you talked about, being in {{industry}} for {{years}}.
Thank you so much for your fantastic content.
I’m emailing now because I see a lot of potential from a partnership between my company, {{company}} and {{prospect’s company}}. (Insert value proposition}}.
Please let me know if this interests you.
Thanks in advance,
{{your name}}
Key Takeaways
Think of business proposal emails as a roadmap for your services. It lets prospects better understand your offer, how you’d address objections, and the benefits you can provide.
But before crafting your next business proposal, consider the following best practices:
- Make each email relevant and personalized
- Start with an engaging introduction or icebreaker
- Concisely describe the problem
- Position yourself as the solution
- Clearly define the next steps
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