Cold Email · · 9 min read

How to Build Email Marketing Lists That Convert in 2024

An email marketing list gives you a personal, direct line of communication with your audience. Read on to learn how to build yours and best practices to grow it sustainably.

email marketing lists

It’s been roughly 50 years since email first emerged. Yet, it remains one of the most effective marketing channels for meaningful audience engagement today.

Looking closer, it's not so surprising since emails allow for direct, personal communication in a way other channels simply can’t replicate. Of course, to unlock its full potential, you first need to build an email marketing list.

A well-curated email marketing list is more than just a collection of contacts—it’s a community of people who choose to hear from you, value your insight, and want to stay connected with your brand.

Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to improve an existing list, this article will walk you through actionable strategies to build a responsive email marketing list and nurture it into a powerful asset for your business.

Key Elements of High-Performing Email Marketing Lists

A high-performing email marketing list is one with a primed audience who want to hear from you and look forward to your email because it adds value to their lives.

To guide you in creating yours, consider these elements:

  • Permission-Based Subscribers: A strong email list is permission-based, meaning every subscriber has willingly opted in and is genuinely interested in your content. Using double opt-ins—where subscribers confirm their interest twice—further guarantees your list is filled with invested recipients.
  • High-Quality Contacts: A high-performing email list is built on quality over quantity. A list of people who signed up for a discount or freebie but don’t interact with your content won't bring long-term value. Instead, you want high-quality subscribers who find ongoing value in your messages.
  • Engagement Levels: Engagement is another hallmark of top-tier email lists. Not only should your subscribers open your emails, but they also click on links, reply to messages, and take other actions. This shows they’re genuinely interested in your content and value the information you provide.
  • Consistent Value: Another distinguishing factor of a great email list is how you nurture it over time. Consistently sending valuable, relevant content—whether it’s educational insights, exclusive offers, or personal stories—builds trust and keeps your audience invested.
  • Regular Maintenance: A great email list is also healthy. By healthy, we mean a list that’s regularly cleaned of invalid addresses and inactive users. Trimming your email list may seem counterintuitive, but it improves your email deliverability and keeps your engagement metrics accurate.
  • Steady Growth: Last but not least, great email lists show healthy growth rates and low churn. They're constantly expanding through organic methods while simultaneously retaining existing subscribers. This balance ensures a fresh, interested audience without sacrificing established connections.

Types of Email Marketing Lists

Just as every business is unique, so are the email marketing lists that power their marketing efforts. Let's check out the various list types you might come across or choose to build for your brand.

Subscriber Lists

Subscriber lists comprise people who have voluntarily opted in to receive updates, newsletters, or promotional content from you. You can typically see these lists used by solopreneurs, freelancers, and similar one-person businesses.

Subscribers often join these lists through sign-up forms on a website, lead magnets, or pop-up offers. And because they’ve shown interest, they're more likely to engage with your content.

Cold Lists

Cold lists consist of contacts who haven’t directly engaged with your brand but have been identified as your perfect-match prospects through research and tools like lead finders.

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cold email lists

While cold lists typically require more hands-on nurturing, they're more likely to become valuable assets once they warm up to your brand.

Lead & Customer Lists

Lead lists are composed of potential customers who’ve expressed interest in your product or service but haven’t yet made a purchase. They require nurturing campaigns that guide them through the buyer’s journey until they’re ready to convert.

Customer lists, on the other hand, are people who’ve used your service or made a purchase. They’re already familiar with your brand, so the focus here is on nurturing the relationship further with product updates, special offers, upselling or cross-selling tactics, and so on.

Event-Specific Lists

Event-specific email marketing lists are built around particular events—think webinars, product launches, and conferences.

These lists are ideal for promoting time-sensitive information or updates and sending follow-up emails related to the specific occasion. Once the event is over, you can either nurture attendees into customers or dissolve the list.

Re-Engagement Lists

Re-engagement lists focus on subscribers who’ve become inactive over time. They may have signed up or made a purchase but stopped engaging with your emails for a while.

A re-engagement campaign targets these groups with personalized messaging or offers that encourage them to become active again. If successful, you won't have to clean them from your list.

How to Build and Grow Your Email Marketing Lists

Building an email marketing list is only the first step. To ensure sustained growth, you need smart, actionable strategies that not only draw new subscribers in but also engage them over time.

Below are highly effective ways to build and grow your email marketing list.

Optimize Your Website Sign-Up Forms and Landing Pages

Your website is often the first point of contact with potential subscribers. Make it count by strategically placing sign-up forms on high-traffic pages where they’ll most likely be noticed. Usually, this includes your headers, footers, sidebar, or a dedicated webpage.

For example, here’s how McKinsey & Company neatly places its email sign-up form in the footer section of its website’s homepage:

mckinsey and company

Beyond proper placement, your form requests should also be simple as asking for too much information can deter sign-ups. It should also feature compelling and concise copy that clearly communicates the value of joining your list.

As for your landing pages, keep them equally focused, with clear copy, a single call to action (CTA), and no distractions like Envision does here:

Create High-Value Lead Magnets

People are more likely to part with their email address if you offer something valuable in return. That’s where lead magnets come in. These could be ebooks, whitepapers, exclusive content, or free trials—anything that provides immediate value to your target audience.

To be effective, your lead magnet must solve a specific problem for your target audience or provide unique insights they can't get elsewhere. The higher the perceived value, the more likely people are to share their email addresses.

Leverage Social Media for List Growth

Your social media followers are prime candidates for your email marketing list. Among other practices, you can use social media platforms to:

  • Promote your lead magnets or email sign-up forms
  • Add a sign-up CTA to your bio or as a pinned post
  • Host contests or giveaways where entry requires subscribing to your list.

Another option is to provide snippets or teasers that give users a taste of what they can expect in your emails, urging them to subscribe for the full experience.

Social media ads targeted to your specific audience can also drive sign-ups if aligned with your campaign goals.

Use Pop-Ups and Exit-Intent Forms

Pop-ups often get a bad rap, but when done right, they’re highly effective for list-building. Now, timing is crucial when it comes to pop-ups. You don’t want to bombard users with a pop-up the second they arrive.

Instead, you need to trigger them after a certain amount of time, or even better, when the user shows exit intent (i.e., moving their mouse towards the close button). Tommy Hilfiger does a great job here, showing its pop-ups after some seconds of engagement:

Just remember to keep your pop-up design clean, mobile-friendly, and easy to dismiss to avoid frustrating users.

Apply Gamification Techniques

Who doesn’t love a little fun? Gamification can turn the simple act of subscribing into an engaging experience.

Spin-to-win wheels, scratch-off cards, or quizzes that offer a reward in exchange for an email address are excellent ways to add an interactive element to your sign-up process.

Gamification not only makes the experience enjoyable but also taps into people's competitive nature, increasing the likelihood they’ll subscribe. Just be sure the rewards are valuable and the game itself isn’t overly complicated or gimmicky.

Offer Exclusive Deals or Discounts for New Subscribers

A proven way to get people on your email list is to offer them something irresistible—like a discount on their first purchase. Take this special offer from Pipsnacks for example:

Everyone loves a good deal, and positioning your email list as the gateway to those perks can drive sign-ups quickly. Beyond discounts, you can also offer early access to new products, VIP events, and limited-time offers to encourage immediate action.

Host Webinars, Workshops, or Events

Events are a great way to provide value to potential subscribers while growing your list. Whether it’s a live webinar, virtual workshop, or in-person event, attendees are likely to share their email addresses to participate.

Not only does this strategy grow your email marketing list, but it also positions you as an authority in your field. After the event, you can follow up with participants, nurturing them into subscribers by offering additional resources or exclusive content.

Encourage Referrals and Word-of-Mouth Sign-Ups

Sometimes your best promoters are already on your email marketing list. To engage them, encourage referrals by asking subscribers to share your content in exchange for discounts or freebies.

Similarly, word-of-mouth marketing is incredibly powerful because it’s based on trust. If a friend or colleague recommends your content, there’s a higher chance the new subscriber will stay engaged long-term.

Use A/B Testing to Optimize Your Sign-Up Process

The sign-up process is never a set-it-and-forget-it system. You need to use A/B testing in different elements of your forms, CTAs, and landing pages to see what performs best.

In practice, you can tweak any of the following to find your winning combination:

  • Form fields
  • Button colors
  • Form placements
  • Call to actions texts
  • Sign-up copy and design
  • Lead magnets and incentives

A/B testing gives you data-driven insights into what resonates with your audience, allowing you to fine-tune your approach for maximum list growth.

Best Practices for Managing Your Email Marketing List

It’s not enough to build your email list and start sending emails. You also need to properly manage your lists to keep subscribers engaged and growing.

Here are some best practices to keep your list effective and valuable over time:

  • Set Up Drip Campaigns: Drip campaigns are automated email sequences that nurture your audience. Examples include welcome emails, weekly updates, seasonal offers, etc. Drip campaigns are especially useful for providing immediate value, setting expectations, and guiding recipients through their journey with your brand.
  • Segment and Personalize: Use behavioral data and subscriber preferences to create highly targeted email list segments. Then, bring it home with effective personalization to send more relevant, engaging content to each subscriber. Tools like are especially invaluable during this process.
  • Provide Consistent Value: Your subscribers signed up because they expect value. Whether it’s educational resources, exclusive deals, or industry insights, ensure that every email you send offers something useful.
  • Keep Your List Clean and Up to Date: Regularly review and clean your list by removing inactive subscribers or bounced addresses. This practice improves deliverability, engagement rates, and ultimately, your sender reputation.
  • Respect Privacy and Preferences: Be transparent about how you'll use subscriber data and make it easy for people to manage their preferences or unsubscribe. This builds trust, helps you maintain a list of interested subscribers, and keeps you compliant with privacy and anti-spam laws.

Key Takeaways

Building effective email marketing lists takes strategy, time, and consistency, but the payoff is well worth it.

Short on time? Here’s a quick rundown of the highlights:

  • Email marketing lists help you curate an engaged audience. The more targeted and well-nurtured your list, the higher your chances of turning subscribers into lifelong customers.
  • There are different types of email marketing lists, depending on your campaign goals. Just some of them include subscriber lists, cold lists, lead and customer lists, event-specific lists, and re-engagement lists.
  • To build your email marketing lists, optimize your sign-forms and landing pages, create lead magnets, leverage social media, use pop-ups and exit-intent forms, apply gamification techniques, and offer exclusive deals—to mention a few.

Ready to build a tribe of subscribers who treat your emails like love letters, not restraining orders? Sign up with Instantly today!

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