Cold Email · · 6 min read

How to Write a Networking Email (Examples + Template)

Networking emails can feel awkward , but with these templates you'll be well-equipped for your email networking journey.

networking email templates

Networking can be hard work regardless of why you’re doing it. Putting yourself out of your comfort zone and reaching out to people is tough. Sending a networking email is an easier path than face to face, but it’s still an awkward feeling and you want to get it right. Thankfully, here is a series of networking email templates to act as inspiration for your networking journey.

How To Write A Networking Email

Before we dive into the actual templates, here are some short tips to bear in mind when creating your own networking email templates. Once you’ve written your templates and built your list, you might consider uploading both into an email outreach tool. Automation options make outreach campaigns a whole lot simpler.

Get Personal

When writing a networking email, first and foremost consider the recipient of the email. What do you already know about them and how can you personalize this email to them? Very few people will respond to a boring copy-and-paste networking email, as it feels like socializing with a robot, not a human being.

Flattery (just might get you somewhere)

The saying goes that flattery gets you everywhere in life. People, generally speaking, love to be complimented so don’t be shy in telling them how impressed you are with their work or when you met them at a recent event.

Be Specific

Share exactly what it is you’re looking to achieve by emailing them. No one has time to reply just asking for further details. You might even consider being as direct as including a call to action in your email. But remember this is networking not sales!

Ask For Advice

Asking someone for their professional opinion works on the same level as flattery. Knowledgeable people are normally very happy to share that knowledge with others who ask. Plus it’s a great way to get a reply from someone.

Return The Favor

If someone has helped you out in the past, you can offer to help them. This goes for collaborative networking too. If someone introduces you to a beneficial connection, remember to see if you can introduce them to someone that would be a great connection for them.

Build Trust

Remember to act as a person, not a robot. People do business with people, and people take a while to trust. Don’t expect to be going for lunch off the back of a cold email. Offer value, get to know them, and build a relationship first.

Networking Emails Templates That Aren’t Awkward

Hey Stranger!

Hey there {{firstName}},
Here’s hoping your day, your week, and everything is going well!
{{yourName}} here from {{yourCompany}}. As part of my {{yourJobTitle}} role, I like to look around and see what other people in my network are up to. I saw what you were up to when I {{explain the story of how you found them}} and thought I had to reach out and say just how impressive you are at/your {{skill/experience/event}}.
I’d love to {{meet/get a coffee/go for lunch/connect on LinkedIn/your choice}} so that we can connect with, learn from, and get to know each other.
Can’t wait to connect, {{firstName}}!
All the best,

Why It Works: Compliments of personal skills or work go a long way when networking. Dropping in examples of how you know them already (especially if through a mutual connection) lowers barriers.

The First Meeting Follow-Up

Hi there {{firstName}},
I really appreciate you taking the time to meet with me {{when}} and to discuss {{topic}}. It was a pleasure to learn about {{what you learned about}}.
You’ll remember that we discussed what you could do with someone helping you with {{your skill}}. I thought I’d let you know that I’ve been {{skill}} with {{client names}} for {{time}}. In fact, why not have a browse of what I’ve been up to {{link to your work}}?
I took the liberty of having a browse around your website and feel that I could {{insert what you could do}}. If you’re open to it I’d welcome another chat to discuss how I could be of assistance. I’m available next week if that suits you?
All the best,

Why It Works: Follow-up emails like this sent within 24 hours keep their mind on you, you’re reminding them of your skillset, and being clear in your intention of working together keeps things simple.

The Friend Of A Friend

Hello there {{firstName}},
I’m {{your name}}, {{mutual contact}} might have mentioned me in passing, if not you have them to thank for passing on your details!
I was talking with {{mutual contact}} {{when}} and he talked about how you {{work/interest/experience}} and that we should connect. I’ve {{been interested in/worked in/aspire to}} {{work/interest/experience}} myself so I’d love to pick your brains.
It’d be great if we could connect and have a chat?
All the best,

Why It Works: Name-dropping your mutual connection immediately shows that you’re not a complete stranger. If they’re friends/acquaintances with your mutual friend they know that they wouldn’t pass on their details unless it was worthwhile making a connection.

Have We Met?

Hello there {{firstName}},
How’s your {{day of the week}} going?
I wanted to drop you a quick note to say how enjoyable it was to meet you {{place/name of event/date}}. I appreciated the chance to discuss {{topic you discussed}}. Later on, I read this article, {{link}}, and thought it’d be right up your street, especially because {{reason}}.
It was great to chat and it’d be great to connect further. If you’d like to {{grab a coffee/have lunch/another event}} together I’d welcome it. We can discuss {{topic}} some more or share ideas for each other's work.
All the best,

Why It Works: You’ve already connected with this person in the flesh, so showing that you were genuinely listening and were interested in your conversation by following up with the same topic works perfectly.

Let’s Chat

Hi there {{firstName}},
I really appreciate you reaching out!
Let’s definitely meet up sometime next week. How about I come to your office or there’s {{cafe name}} nearby.
I could meet on {{date and time option 1}}, or on {{date and time option 2}}. Let me know if that suits you, otherwise please do suggest a different time. My diary is relatively open.
See you soon!
All the best,

Why It Works: Making it as simple as possible to arrange a meeting makes it far more likely that you’ll actually meet. By providing clear options on time and location, there’s very little for them to think about.

Help Wanted

Hi there {{firstName}}
I saw that you’re advertising for {{job}} on {{advert placement}}. What an exciting role! It’s perfect for me because {{reason}}. To save you some time, I’ve attached {{cover letter/CV/resume}}.
I’d love to know how I could progress an application? Please let me know!
All the best,

Why It Works: Clear, concise, and sharing the information prevalent to the topic at hand. Remember that chances are the person recruiting is going to get a lot of applicants, so saving them time is a bonus.

Join the Club!

Hey there {{firstName}},
I’m {{firstName}} the {{role}} over at {{community}}. We’re always on the lookout for enthusiastic {{their job role}}s who are looking to join a group of like-minded people within the {{industry}} space. Looking at the {{article/blog/social post}} you’ve shared on {{where you spotted them}}, I think you’d be a great fit.
Consider this your invite to join {{community name}}!
If you’re keen to join, just reply and I’ll share everything you need to know.
All the best,

Why It Works: You’re already showing an interest in their work/life and you’re inviting them to a private club. There’s little not to like here!

Let’s Collab

Dear {{firstName}}
Over here at {{company name}} we work with {{type of person they also work with}} regularly and help them to {{resolution to issue clients have}}.
I’m certain that we’re working with the same people, so it makes sense that we collaborate and see how we can create some synergy between our offerings.
If you think it could work, drop me a line, and let’s see where it goes.
All the best,

Why It Works: You’re specifically addressing the fact that you’re not a threat but could be a lucrative connection.

Key Takeaways

Using the templates above as inspiration will serve you well on your email networking journey. They should be used as just that, inspiration, rather than copied and pasted without thought. The best emails will be those that are written specifically for the recipient and personalized accordingly.

  • Forgot to get their contact email? Consider using an email finder tool.
  • Personalization is key when building trust with a new connection.
  • Try to offer value—people won’t want to connect if it feels like it’s a one-way benefit.

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