Cold Email · · 8 min read

12 Recruiter Email Templates to Win Over Candidates

A candidate’s experience reflects on a company’s brand. That’s why the best companies promote quality and consistent communication as part of the application process to win candidates over.

recruiter email templates

Recruiting top candidates all starts with great communication during the recruitment process. Most recruiters rely on email, which is why when done right, cold email outreach gets things rolling smoothly and streamlines the recruitment process.

In this article, we’ll be covering:

  • How to write excellent recruiter emails for candidates.
  • And email templates you can use in your next recruitment campaigns.

How to Write Great Recruiter Emails to Candidates

recuitment email template

Email outreach is among the best ways to reach candidates. The most efficient method of writing these emails is utilizing easy-to-use email outreach tools such as Instantly.

With these tools, recruiters can send emails with ease and direct focus on the following best practices when doing outreach campaigns.

Employ Personalization

Tailoring emails show how a company appreciates and values its candidates. To streamline this process, recruiters can use an Applicant Tracking System (APS), which allows centralized access to the following:

  • Personal information
  • References
  • Cover letters
  • Previous experiences with the applicant.

Recruiters can use a candidate’s information to craft highly personalized emails that are far more likely to get replies.

Craft an Enticing Subject Line

Subject lines can make or break your outreach email since it’s the first thing candidates see. Studies suggest that 64% of recipients attribute subject lines as the primary factor in their decision to open an email.

Research also reveals that personalized subject lines can increase email opens by 26%. That’s already a phenomenal boost considering less than 21.3% of emails get opened on average.

The best subject lines have three important attributes: Concise, Descriptive, and Actionable. But when creating your subject lines, make sure that it doesn’t have spam-trigger words to ensure the deliverability of the emails.

Keep it Short and Simple

Sending recruitment emails to candidates at any point in the process should be brief. Studies show that emails comprising 75-100 words have higher reply rates.

But writing concise emails doesn’t mean being robotic and bland. Companies should clearly state that they’re interested in a candidate to retain their interest.

Include a Clear CTA

Email outreach campaigns aim to get qualified candidates to either apply for a position, get an interview, or even accept a job offer.

For this reason, companies need to include a definitive call to action (CTA). Clearly state what the next steps are for an applicant or what you can do to help them move forward in the process.

12 Recruiter Email Templates to Easily Win Candidates

recruiter email templates

Now that we’ve gone through the foundations of good recruitment emails, here are examples of templates with high reply rates:

Candidate Sourcing and Introduction Templates

When reaching out to prospects for the first time about an available position, an introductory email from the recruiter can be effective. This type of email is called a “cold recruitment email”.

Introduction Template #1:

Subject Line: {{company name}} is looking for a {{position}} / Interested in joining our team at {{company name}}?

Hello, I’m {{your name}} a recruiter at {{company name}}. As I was reading through your profile on {{platform X}}, I was impressed by your expertise in {{area of expertise or noteworthy accomplishment}}.
At {{company name}}, we are constantly on the lookout for bright new talent.
That said, we have an opening for a {{position/description}}. I’d love to share more information about the role and the company.
Would you be available on {{date range}}?
If so, I’d love to set up a quick interview. We can also talk on {{platform X}} if you’re more comfortable there.
Best Wishes,
{{your name}}


Introduction Template #2:

Subject Line: Want to Join the Team at {{company name}}?

Hi {{first name}},
I’m {{your name}}, a recruiter at {{company name}}. Your profile on {{platform X}} immediately piqued my interest because of your extensive background in {{field of expertise or accomplishment}}.
Our company handles {{value proposition}} and we’re currently looking for a {{job title}} to join our team. I'd love to talk with you regarding the potential to work together and share information related to this role.
Does {{date range}} work for you?
If so, I’d be happy to schedule a meeting with you to discuss this more.
Best wishes,
{{your name}}


Introduction Template #3:

Subject Line: Interested In Joining The Team At {{company name}}

Hi {{candidate name}},
My name is {{your name}} from {{company name}}. We are currently looking for a {{job title}} and need someone with your expertise.
I saw your details on {{platform}} and your skills and experience really impressed our team.
Throughout the years {{company name}} managed to {{company achievement}} and is looking to expand.
We hope that you would be interested in this opportunity. If not, would you be kind enough to refer me to one or two of your colleagues with a similar background?
Either way, we’d love to hear back from you.
{{your name}}


Job Interview and Scheduling Templates

Your message should include the name of the position you're interviewing for, when you'd like the interview to take place, and where it would take place.

You can also offer 2 to 3 scheduling options or adjust to the available time the candidate has. If required, don’t forget to remind applicants about the necessary documents and IDs they need to bring.

Scheduling Template #1:

Subject Line: Interview Invitation - {{company name}}

Hello {{candidate’s name}},
Thank you for applying to {{company name}}.
We reviewed your application and were impressed by your skill set and experience in {{field of expertise}}. We’d like to invite you for an on-site interview at our office on {{company address}}.
Our hiring manager will conduct the interview. This usually takes {{x}} minutes, during which you can discuss more details about the {{job title}} position and our company.
Would you be available on {{date and time}}?
Looking forward to your response.
All the best,
{{your name}}


SchedulingTemplate #2:

Subject Line: Online Interview With {{client/company}} For {{job title}} opportunity.

Hi {{candidate name}},
Thank you for applying for the position of {{job title}} at {{company name}}.
My name is {{your name}}, and I work as {{your position}}. I’ve finished your evaluation and was impressed by your extensive experience in {{field of expertise}}.
As such, we’d like to invite you for a quick interview to get to learn more about you. Would you be available on {{date}} at around {{time}}?
If not, what’s your most convenient time and date?
Looking forward to your response,
{{your name}}


SchedulingTemplate #3:

Subject Line: Phone Interview With {{company name}} For {{job title}}

Hi {{candidate name}},
Thanks for sending out your application for the {{job title}} at {{company name}}.
My name is {{your name}}, and I’m a part of {{company name}}’s recruitment team. We reviewed your resume and see you as a strong candidate for the position.
We’d like to schedule a quick phone interview. The call won’t take more than {{x}} minutes, and you’ll be talking with {{name of interviewer}} and myself. We’d love to learn more about you and discuss the position in detail.
Would you be available on {{date}} at {{time}}? If that time slot isn’t convenient for you, kindly respond with what time or date you find the most suitable.
Looking forward to talking with you.
{{your name}}


Job Offer Templates

A job offer letter informs prospective employees that they've been chosen for a certain post. This is a job offer email template you may use after you've found the right applicant.

Clearly indicate to the candidate that they’ve been hired. Ensure your message includes key details such as job title, hours, department, manager, contract term, and benefits. Remember to set a deadline for your candidate's answer.

Offer Template #1:

Subject Line: {{company name}} Job Offer

Congratulations {{candidate name}}!
We’re ecstatic to extend this job offer for the position of {{job title}} with {{company name}}. Kindly review the attached documents related to the terms and conditions.
This position will start on {{date}}. If this doesn’t work for you, feel free to contact {{manager name}} to discuss changing the start date or if you have other questions via email. You can also reach us by phone at {{contact information}}.
We are all excited to have you as a part of the team.
{{your name}}


Offer Template #2:

Subject Line: Job Offer For {{position}} - {{company name}}

Congratulations {{candidate name}}!
We are excited to offer you the position of {{job title}} at {{company name}}.
Based on our evaluation, we believe that you’d be a perfect fit for our team and a valuable asset to the company. In accordance with our company's policies, accepting this job offer entitles you to the following:
{{list of perks and benefits}}
To accept the job offer, please sign and date the attached documents as indicated and send it back to us by {{deadline}}.
Your start date will be at {{date}}.
We’re looking forward to working with you. If you have any questions, feel free to call {{manager’s name}}.
{{your name}}


Offer Template #3:

Subject Line: Job Offer Letter For {{position}} at {{company name}}

Hi {{candidate name}},
We are pleased to inform you that you’ve been selected for the {{position}} role at {{company}}.
You passed with flying colors throughout the entire application process and we know you are the perfect fit for the role.
Please review the enclosed documents. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call me at {{phone number}}. I'd be pleased to help you with any concerns.
Please sign and return these documents to me by {{deadline}} at the latest.
All the best!
{{your name}}


Candidate Rejection Templates

A candidate rejection email informs job seekers they won't advance in the recruiting process. Ignoring a rejected prospect might hurt your employer brand and undermine your company's candidate experience.

Rejection Template #1:

Subject Line: Application Update {{company name}}

Dear {{candidate name}},
Thank you for considering {{company name}} to pursue your career with. It’s with great regret to inform you that we have chosen to move forward with another candidate for the {{job title}} position.
We wish you all the best in your job hunt and future.
{{your name}}


Rejection Template #2:

Subject Line: Application Update {{company name}}

Thank you for applying to {{company name}}. We’ve thoroughly reviewed your resume and cover letter and believe that you were a strong candidate for the position.
However, our recruitment team will not move forward with your application at this time due to {{reason/feedback}}.
If it's okay with you we will keep your file on our record and get in touch if future opportunities open up that could be a better fit for your expertise.
We wish you good luck in your job search and all future endeavors.
{{your name}}


Rejection Template #3:

Subject Line: {{job position}} Application Update - {{company name}}

Thank you for giving the name to meet with our team for the {{job position}}. We enjoyed learning more about your skills and achievements. Unfortunately, our recruitment team decided to pursue another candidate for the {{job title}}.
We would like to express that we were all impressed by your expertise in your field and your overall attitude during the interview. For this reason, we would like to keep in touch when a better position that fits your talents opens up.
If you have any specific queries concerning your application or interview, please feel free to contact me anytime.
{{your name}}


Key Takeaways

Cold email outreach campaigns are powerful tools recruiters can use to source the best candidates. But, with hundreds of companies sending out emails daily, here’s a quick rundown of what to do to make your templates stand out:

  • Create templates that you can easily personalize
  • Make subject lines concise yet specific enough to be opened
  • Keep the main body short (around 75 – 100 words) and simple
  • Include a clear CTA
  • Update candidates regarding their application status

Instantly helps you effectively and efficiently do all of the above. Try the 14-day free trial to see how it can streamline your email recruitment campaigns. Click here to learn more!

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